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Thread: Living In The "Post 9/11 World", We Have A Choice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Living In The "Post 9/11 World", We Have A Choice

    Living In The "Post 9/11 World", We Have A Choice

    By Jon Gold

    Today, our beloved President decided to "write" an Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal.

    The one thing that stood out to me, aside from the "warning" to Congress saying, "If the Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate. If a different approach is taken, the next two years can be fruitful ones for our nation.", was the following paragraph:

    "Our priorities begin with defeating the terrorists who killed thousands of innocent Americans on September 11, 2001--and who are working hard to attack us again. These terrorists are part of a broader extremist movement that is now doing everything it can to defeat us in Iraq."

    First of all, Iraq and the people fighting against Americans in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush himself, admitted that the country of Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. As for the groups of people fighting our brave soldiers... If America was invaded by Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, or China, like America invaded Iraq, would Americans that actively opposed said invasion be an "extremist movement" or would they be patriots defending their country? I guess that depends on whether or not you are the invader or the invadees.

    People that say 9/11 happened 5+ years ago, and we need to move on as a nation, need to understand that the attacks of 9/11, dictate America's policies.

    That one single day has created the "Post 9/11 World" where policies the people do not agree with, become the "priority", and are passed with little to NO oversight, or opposition.

    I'm sure you're familiar with previous passages of bills opposed by the people like the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and so on.

    The "surge" of 20,000 troops hasn't been approved yet, but how much do you want to bet it will be? With the wand of 9/11, the sky is the limit. As has been proven time and time again.

    It doesn't have to be this way. We have a choice. We have the ability to restore sanity to the United States of America.

    As I said during my speech at the Philadelphia 9/11 Truth Tea Party:

    Our Civil Liberties are disappearing. Wars are being fought in our name, and 1000's upon 1000's of people are dying. This country has been bankrupted while the rich have become richer. Elements of our Government have used the events of 9/11 to make all of this happen, and if 9/11 wasn't what we were led to believe, then we need to know about it, and we need to know about it now.

    There are SEVERAL legitimate reasons to think the attacks of 9/11 were not what we were led to believe.

    Legitimate reasons that drove 9/11 family members Donna Marsh O'Connor, Cristina Kminek, and Michelle Little to call for a new investigation at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Legitimate reasons that drove 9/11 family members Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg, Patty Casazza, and Monica Gabrielle to start a petition calling for the declassification of pertinent documentation related to the attacks of 9/11. Legitimate reasons that drove family members Mindy Kleinberg, Lorie Van Auken, Patty Casazza, Monica Gabrielle, Sally Regenhard, and Bob McIlvaine to endorse a documentary entitled, "9/11: Press For Truth."

    We can take away their "wand of 9/11". We have a choice.

    You just have to make it.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Once again, Jon Gold's article is worthy of accolades and praise. This man brings brilliance and facts to the table when writing his stories, and he is 100% accurate when it comes to his comments about our President and our Government. The president's comments and the fact that he is using 9/11 as a crutch for his own personal war, is proof that this man and his "all star team" want us to remain gullible and just plain stupid. The fact is, we have a man with the I.Q. of a soap dish, and the heart of a roach running this country. I can only hope that our new Congress and the great citizens of this country decide that enough is enough George. For all the deceit, lies, denial, and human suffering he has caused, when will someone put him in his place?

    In my mind that place is jail.

    John Feal
    9/11 responder/advocate
    FealGood Foundation
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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