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Thread: Kevin Barrett Vs. Bill O'Reilly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Kevin Barrett Vs. Bill O'Reilly

    Barrett vs O'Reilly
    Barrett to Throw “Mr. Bill” O’Reilly in Harbor—But Will He Pull Him Out?

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    On December 16th, 2006, 9/11 truth activists will converge on Boston to throw their copies of The 9/11 Commission Report into Boston Harbor. The event is expected to spark a nationwide uprising culminating in a second American revolution. [For information on the 9/11 Boston Tea Party, see]

    Along with the Omissions Commission Reports, 9/11 truth activist Kevin Barrett will throw Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly into Boston Harbor. The question is, will he pull him out? And if so, will he save O’Reilly by administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?

    The thought might gag an ordinary mortal. But Barrett, who has had Foxloads of offal slung in his general direction by knuckle-dragging yahoos, is no stranger to the foul and flatulent. The fact that “Mr. Bill” is just a life-sized two-dimensional mock-up seems not to have lightened Barrett’s burden.

    “If I leave O’Reilly ‘floating in the harbor,’ just think what that would do to the ecosystem—the oil slick would kill all the harbor marine life and threaten the entire North Atlantic. I think I’d better pull him out. But what if he needs mouth-to-mouth? I’m almost retching just thinking about it.”

    The O’Reilly Harbor Toss is Barrett’s response to a thinly-veiled threat from Mr. Bill. During his program on 11 July, O'Reilly expressed dismay that Barrett, one of 80 university-affiliated Ph.D. members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, was being allowed to teach: “At the University of Wisconsin there are no standards. . . . I'm stunned. This guy would have been gone at Boston University, my alma mater, in a heartbeat. The Chancellor there, John Silber, would of--would have--this guy'd be in the Charles River floating down, you know, toward the harbor."

    Barrett, who has been the target of more filth & foulness flowing from O'Reilly's mouth than anyone other than sex-harrassment victim Andrea Mackris, insisted that the O'Reilly Harbor Toss was about humor, not revenge. "It's going to be like the Mr. Bill show," Barrett explained. "I say, 'Mr. Bill's going for a swim' and throw him in. He says (squeaky voice) 'Ohh Noooo!!! Save me, Mr. Kevin, save me!' I say, 'Hmmm...let's I really want to save Mr. Bill?' And then...well, I hope I'll have it in me to do the right thing."

    Three days after the December 16th O'Reilly Harbor Toss, on Tuesday, December 19th, Kevin Barrett is scheduled to make his first-ever appearance on the O'Reilly Factor. Will O'Reilly thank Barrett for pulling him out of the harbor? Or will Mr. Bill just spew more humorless venom and thinly-veiled threats? Stay tuned...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    borepstein Guest
    Actually, I think this idea has been tossed as something that might be taken as a call to violence. Though we'll see come tomorrow.

  3. #3
    YouCrazyDiamond Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by borepstein
    Actually, I think this idea has been tossed as something that might be taken as a call to violence. Though we'll see come tomorrow.
    This issue of violence being perpetrated during an event that is meant to be peaceful appears to be a constant challenge, a challenge that extends well beyond the Boston Tea Parties being conducted these days.

    The idea of a call to violence at this moment is perhaps a bit in the extreme, though. Some people might get a bit emotional while expressing their anger and frustration. However, there is no indication of an armed insurgency (forming or formed) in the USA, and hopefully it won’t come to that.

    Mostly, this looks a like a PR stunt to draw attention to what has been going on in a manner consistent with the infotainment format:

    Three days after the December 16th O'Reilly Harbor Toss, on Tuesday, December 19th, Kevin Barrett is scheduled to make his first-ever appearance on the O'Reilly Factor.

  4. #4
    borepstein Guest
    Well, believe it or not, even though I picked Kevin at the airport in Boston recently I forgot to ask him if he intends to go ahead with the plan... I guess I will find out soon enough at the event itself.

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