With so many of the key issues of 9/11 that not being open for debate among the people who agree and support the official story I thought I would make a quick reference point of FACTS of 9/11 that aren’t questionable or fringe topics to bring up that are hard for even the disinformation folks=moung the movement to debate:

- Put options of American and United Airlines in the days leading up to 9/11. Recent documents show CIA involvement in these put options.

- Sibel Edmonds. The most gagged person in US history. Why gag her if there is nothing to hide? She knows that they are spewing lies about 9/11. They know at this point if she dies she is martyr so they gagged her. If there is nothing to hide they why not let her speak? Because the info she can tell isn’t an opinion, it can be tracked.

- Operation Northwoods. Why is this declassified document so important? Because to all of those people who say “they would never do that” it shows, yes indeed they would “do that.” They would do it and they did carry out similar plans to Northwoods.

- FEMA in NYC on 9/10/01 with equipment ready for action. Thomas Kenny, a FEMA spokesman, is on record saying indeed FEMA was there on 9/10/01 for a drill on a major situation. I mean, come on!

- The fact, in general, that a “plane” was allowed to hit the Pentagon. At all costs, even human lives, this building should be protected at all costs. I can’t stress how paramount this is. Stay far away from the strike of the building. Ask why the hell this building, the single most important building on earth, was allowed to be compromised. If it was a plane or missile is not important. The fact it was hit when they damn well knew something was gunning for it is far more important.

- War games on 9/11.

NORTHERN GUARDIAN. VIGILANT WARRIOR. These aren’t the opinions of supposed dissidents. They are FACT. Know them!

- ABLE DANGER! Just read:


They are so guilty you can see the blood on their murdering hands! When the feds are suing the government because they were blocked your get the feeling that maybe something is not right. This isn’t “conspiracy theory” people but FBI agents. Care to explain?

- The fake Bin Laden tape. Guess what? I’m not blind and can see that is a different man who writes with the opposite hand that the claimed man who is the head man rights with. Funny how on the feds site he isn’t listed as a suspect for 9/11. He is reported as dead dude to kidney failure years ago yet is SOLD to the American public as the guilty public. We didn’t just get off a boat, we know better!

-WTC 7. It’s the one part of “science” that anyone who is anyone of science wants nothing to do with. Here is the deal. It had damage that scraped the outside of one side of the building and fires started. At 5:20 PM it fell in total symmetry. It is on video and a “crimp” is clearly seen then the penthouse falls along with the rest of the building. NIST, FEMA, the 9/11 (lie) Commission Report, and anyone of science want NOTHING to do with. To them it didn’t happen. To those who deal with reality it, in fact, did happen. It was because of any of the bogus reasons gives. Diesel fuel fires don’t cause the penthouse to fall down. You got greedy Mr. Silverstein and the guilty parties, we know. You are exposed to those who have seen and studied WTC 7. You lied about it and we know. TELL EVERYONE!

The thing is I could go on for pages. Literally. This was not a great lie that had secrecy with it. The matter is right there for anyone who cares to look at it and accept it. This was a very sloppy mission that only works because people are ignorant. They prey off the ignorant and the controlled media tells people what happens in the world. I’m mad at this point! I say FUCK being polite about it. Some people are too stupid to get it. They are vein and ignorant idiots who can drown with the rest of the idiots. Help those whom you can help but don’t bother fighting those who don’t care to be free people. Let them be slaves of global government. To those who are on the fence, bring these issues up and hope they are not vein. Hope they are not ignorant and stupid. You can’t make them be what they are. Remember you can only bring a horse to water. If they choose to drink the water is up to them.