Investigate the White House’s lies

Chris Foulke

With the fresh sweep of Democrats and Nancy Pelosi leading Congress, there is new hope. However, we need to continue housecleaning to the biggest mess — the one in the White House.

There has been enough deceit, corruption and questionable activity there to power a whole series of investigations (including the instigation and conduct of the war in Iraq) and possibly even impeachment proceedings. But if commentators are correct and the Bush administration still is considered “credible” on terrorism, we have a more basic problem.

As one looks into the events underpinning the whole “War on Terror” (9/11), the administration’s contentions and subsequent behaviors become fundamentally problematic. We need to actively address this as we move forward and tackle other matters of consequence.

An excellent documentary, “9/11 Press for Truth” ( chronicles the story of four women (two Republicans, one Independent and one Democrat) who lost family members on 9/11. It follows their search for truth and accountability from our government.

What they found out is truly amazing. They make a compelling case for launching a true, legally-empowered investigation into the 9/11 events since the official 9/11 Commission was a “bipartisan” farce that avoided potentially disturbing lines of inquiry and covered things up. To quote Patty Cassaza: “They lied. They all lied.”

Americans need to find out what really happened. The official 9/11 myth has been thoroughly debunked by many, but is still used ad nauseam to justify our costly ($200,000-a-minute), controversial and internationally-reviled foreign policy. Look deeper.