I Was On False Flag News
Thanks to D.L.

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At 33min

D.L Abrahamson is the Editor-in-Chief of FalseFlagNews.com, the premier news source for terror drills, war games, and analysis of the military-industrial complex. False Flag Radio exposes the intelligence agencies, corporations, think tanks, media conglomerates, financiers, and predatory social engineers that are manufacturing terrorism & dumbing down the population in order to create a biometric police state and fascist world government. Abrahamson is also a musician & research journalist. His articles have appeared on Scholars for 911 Truth, PrisonPlanet, Infowars, Rense, JackBlood, and WhatReallyHappened. "DL Abrahamson wishes to make clear that the opinions expressed on False Flag News are his own and independent of those offered by others on the network."