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Thread: Which celebrities are aware that 911 was an inside job

  1. #1
    qwerty Guest

    Which celebrities are aware that 911 was an inside job


    Could someone provide me with a list of celebrities whether in Hollywood, entertainment industry, music, sports who have come out to help expose that 911 was a treasonous inside job

    I can understand the struggling celebrities position of speaking out but not the ones who have been financially successful.

    I suspect that treason is widespread among many of the celebrities who use so called patriotism as their cover for the New World Order. I suspect many got successful careers because of this allegiance.

    There are many fake antiwar political celebrities e.g. Ed Asner

    There are many fake alternative media people e.g. Howard Zinn

    The silence in Hollywood is deafening.

    The New World Order depopulation program plans on genociding about 85% of the human population globally thru overt and covert means. The celebrities who remain silent on the 911 issue will have endorsed treason and the genocide plan.

    So if anyone can provide a list of which celebrities have publicly come out

    Also if possible, which are rumored to know about it but kept silent


  2. #2
    beltman713 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty

    Could someone provide me with a list of celebrities whether in Hollywood, entertainment industry, music, sports who have come out to help expose that 911 was a treasonous inside job

    I can understand the struggling celebrities position of speaking out but not the ones who have been financially successful.

    I suspect that treason is widespread among many of the celebrities who use so called patriotism as their cover for the New World Order. I suspect many got successful careers because of this allegiance.

    There are many fake antiwar political celebrities e.g. Ed Asner

    There are many fake alternative media people e.g. Howard Zinn

    The silence in Hollywood is deafening.

    The New World Order depopulation program plans on genociding about 85% of the human population globally thru overt and covert means. The celebrities who remain silent on the 911 issue will have endorsed treason and the genocide plan.

    So if anyone can provide a list of which celebrities have publicly come out

    Also if possible, which are rumored to know about it but kept silent

    Why do you care? Are you going to eleminate the ones who aren't on the list?

    I'm sure the celebrities who haven't spoken out about 9/11 don't spend their time hatching their plans for the New World Order, or mass genocide of the human species. I would say they are to into themselves and make shit loads of money to even be aware of anything else that is going on.

  3. #3
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Hi qwerty

    Obviously there's Charlie Sheen and the singer from Blink 182. As for rumors, according to Alex Jones it's a who's who of Hollywood who believes 9/11 was an inside job.

  4. #4
    qwerty Guest
    your response would indicate you are a paid government poster

    any real posters here

  5. #5
    qwerty Guest
    my previous post referred to beltman

  6. #6
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Hey qwerty, I've always been curious about the apparent NWO plan to whipe out the majority of the world's poplullation. Do you have a link to that or a summary of the hows and the whys?

  7. #7
    qwerty Guest
    if there are a who's who list of hollywood people who know what's going down, where are they

    i have noticed most of the who's who of anti-war political activism in hollywood mostly stay silent on 911 treason or pushed the blowback lie. this would indicate that they work for the government in some way

    susan sarandon, sean penn, ed asner, tim robbins, danny glover, harry belafonte, jane fonda are just a few of the political fakes in hollywood. i would even guess they work for the cia.

    the modus operandi of the fakes is to use hegelian dialecticism to condition the population. they are actors on and off stage

    to maintain the deception even more, they write stories on how such and such people are blacklisted or muzzled at certain events. this doesn't preclude real blacklisting but for the ones that seem to get role after role, it hasn't hurt their careers being "anti-war".

    i have pretty much concluded that treason is rampant in the political and security apparatuses in the US especially at leadership positions. On the local, state and national levels, there are an estimated over 20,000 supposedly elected politicians. their silence implicates virtually all of them in treason or disgraceful cowardism.

    i have concluded that NWO elite control virtually all the political parties in canada, mexico and US

    How could so much treason and betrayal exist on such a gargantuum scale but so many hollywood people contribute to the traitors of the democrat and republican party.

    given where this world is headed, i can't even imagine blackmail or money or threats being inducements anymore for the successful entertainers. if they have any children or nephews, their futures are pretty much over if they stay silent unless one thinks totalitarianism, massive human death and implants for the survivors are a good thing

    maybe some entertainers have mind control implants of some type. there is no doubt that the government has very advanced technology even bio-androids of some type.

    what are these aware hollywood people's plans - carry out a protest march after the government sends tens of millions of americans to death camps

    the longer hollywood people wait to voice that 911 was an inside job - the worse it will be for the country

    the longer americans take to become aware - the worse it will be for the country

    the hollywood people can wake more people up

    their silence aids and abets the 911 treason

    as i said, i can understand the struggling actors being in a tough spot but not the ones who have had a successful career

    if they care about the childrens future, it becomes an ethical and moral imperative to speak out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    qwerty Guest
    i don't have a link off hand but they will do it covertly

    they have been carrying out depopulation to some extent on a continued basis but in order to get the population down to around a billion, there needs to be some large scale methods

    i think the NWO elites, who i have concluded are just resident extraterrestrials who came to this planet and gentically engineered humans, needed human help to rebuild their underground infrastructure that got destroyed in the last 12000 years during the time of atlantis.

    method number one will be thru vaccines. have you noticed the many states passing mandatory vaccination bills. wisconsin has a ten thousand dollar fine and imprisonment for refusal. after they take you to prison, you will be forcibly vaccinated.

    all these articles about bird flu, sars etc are nothing more than propaganda meant to condition and scare people into taking vaccines. no doubt they could create a fake biological threat thru chemical means initially and thru a vaccination cause a disease and death to spread

    the bill and melinda gates foundation with just another covert depopulation agenda. they are also using their nonprofit status to buy up the world tax free. warren buffet has also on board with the agenda

    the casualties of vaccines has been enormous. it probably goes into the hundreds of million or billions. it was behind the explosion of chronic diseases

    let's go over a list of other things

    putting the neuro-toxin fluoride in the drinking water
    allowing untested GM food to be sold
    adopting CODEX laws
    giving vaccines to babies
    putting bacteria and viruses on meats
    GM foods will allow more toxic foods to be designed to slowly kill us
    manufactured and designed diseases .i.e. indians got killed off this way
    manufactured wars
    large scale extermination camps
    manufacture natural events with technology i.e. earth quakes, weather control
    manufactured starvation
    crop failures. i think the irish potato famine was manufactured

    the medical industry complex is just another weapon the pentagon uses against the population

    the katrina hurricane casualties was caused by the government blowing up the levees

    most pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous
    conventional cancer treatment using chemo and radiation
    FDA closing down alternative health treatment
    Medical Boards attacking alternative health doctors

    economically ...

    fiat money system allows the elite to create as much money as they want
    the cashless society allows the government to control what an individual can buy
    buying up water supply
    shortages on earth are manufactured by the elites

    the politically naive will never know what hit them.

    i don't think this depopulation is anything new. i think it has probably occurred many times on this planet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty
    your response would indicate you are a paid government poster

    any real posters here
    If he is, I am. I don't take kindly to accusations like that on this board.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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