The Iron Wall: Life in Occupied Palestine

Tonight I attended a meeting addressed by Angela Godfrey-Goldstein of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD).

ICAHD is a non-violent, direct action group that (among other things) acts to prevent the destruction of Palestinian and Israeli-Arab homes by the Israeli State. Angela is not technically Jewish (only her father is Jewish, and Jewishness [according to Jewish Law] only descends through the maternal side), but she has lived in Israel since 1981. She moved there from Britain. By her own admission, she was full of the myths of Zionsim up until the mid 1990's, and she became active in the peace camp thereafter.

Aside from a fairly wide-ranging discussion (covering topics such as 'anti-semitism' and the role of religion, the prospects for peace, and the prospects for a possible Netanyahu/Lieberman victory in future Israeli elections), we watched a DVD called The Iron Wall. The film is a brief (1 hour) overview of the partition of Palestine, the re-occupation after 1967, and the massive development of illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza post 67. Most of the film concentrates on the situation since the First Intifada and the Olso 'Peace' Process - the rapid expanison of the settlement movement, the dehumanisation of the Palestinians and the building of the Aparthied Wall and how this affects life in Palestine. There are several very hard watch scenes; Settlers destroying olive trees while a Palestinain man cries like a child, his livelihood destroyed under the watching eyes of the IDF; Settlers attacking Palestinians on the streets - again while the IDF look on; And children crying as settlers throw rocks at their house and firebomb the family car. There are more, but those are what stayed with me most.

This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen on the subject and...

You Must Watch This Video!

What's an hour of your time?