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Thread: does anyone have resources on what EXACTLY they planned on 9/11?

  1. #1
    thumper Guest

    does anyone have resources on what EXACTLY they planned on 9/11?

    by that i mean it in it's whole entirety.

    for example, i've heard that the plane headed for congress was ordered shot down by a rogue general (hence they didn't have a proper cover story immediately after it happened), and that congress was to be decapitated setting up GWB as supreme generalissimo, with of course his other co-conspirators running the 'continuity of government' program.

    in the plan, purportedly, San Francisco and Chicago was also to be attacked. it was supposed to be a total and utter coup for the NWO.

    9/11, as spectacular as it was, did not produce the last nail in the coffin. As AJ puts it, this is by the grace of God, and it has given us another 5 years of freedom to PUT A STOP TO THIS MADNESS.

    it proves that there are not just loyal people in the government, but ones high enough to do something about it.

  2. #2
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    for example, i've heard that the plane headed for congress was ordered shot down by a rogue general
    That's intersting. Got a link for that?

    But back to the topic, apparently the Sears tower or another big building around that area was suppose to be hit but the plane never took off due to technical reasons so that attack was aborted.

  3. #3
    ParallaxView Guest
    I've also read (this was on Paul Thompsons timeline both online and the book) that shortly before 9/11 a Priest was told of the attacks and that an attack on Britain would be occuring simultaneously. He said that this attack was stopped at the last minute. I think it will be in the 'Warning Signs' section of the timeline quite near the date of 9/11.

  4. #4
    thumper Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilosophyGenius
    That's intersting. Got a link for that?
    it was in an AJ video.

    it makes perfect sense when you think about it.

    it concurs with testimony given by Mineta when he was in the control room and said that a military officer kept repeating "do the orders still stand?!"

    i suspect by that he meant that are the stand down orders still in effect, and perhaps a general was getting wise to what was happening and tried to stop the coup.

    why else would they not have a proper cover story, even weeks after the incident?

    they had to get everything straight before they could say that they were 'forced' to shoot a civilian craft down.

    one way to lie to tell something close to the truth, but feigning all the things you would as if it were the truth, such as being evasive or letting things slip here or there.

    and so the 'truth' as it were, is what some people think is what Rumsfeld uttered when he said flight 93 was shot down to stop the terrorists. of course, the more explosive truth, is that it was SHOT DOWN BY A ROGUE GENERAL TRYING TO PREVENT A MILITARY TAKEOVER OF THE COUNTRY.

  5. #5
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Intersting stuff.

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