I'd say he was definitely MIHOP in 2004. He supported Cindy Sheehan's Crawford, TX protest, and he's also pretty active- writes a column at:


Ray M. from:


"It wasn't a bipartisan commission; it was more like a bipolar commission," McGovern said. "To say that no one could prevent 9/11 was a bold-faced lie. It basically let the president and everyone responsible off the hook."

He went on to talk about the faulty intelligence attorney general John Ashcroft used when he announced that terrorist attacks may occur before or around election time, saying that elections might have to be postponed if the United States is attacked.

"There might be a real or staged terrorist attack in order to postpone the elections," McGovern said. "This might seem outlandish; I hope it is."

Former CIA Agent Says Bush to Blame for 9/11
by Chris Gardner