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Thread: We Have Been Reduced To A Theory

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    We Have Been Reduced To A Theory

    We Have Been Reduced To A Theory

    Jon Gold

    Has anyone noticed that the media likes to pounce on our theories? Everytime someone writes a "hit piece", they focus on two theories presented by the 9/11 Truth Movement:

    • The World Trade Center was brought down by Controlled Demolition.
    • The Pentagon was not hit by Flight 77.

    In the early beginnings of this movement, certain facts stood out that made people question what really happened on 9/11.

    Some of these facts include:

    • Excessive "put options" purchased on American and United days before 9/11.
    • A $100,000 wire transfer from the Pakistani ISI to Mohammad Atta.
    • The absence of our military.
    • The Secret Service not doing their job in regards to the President.
    • Warnings from 14 different countries about the impending attacks.
    • The August 6th, PDB.
    • Whistleblowers like Coleen Rowley, Robert Wright, and Sibel Edmonds.

    Obviously, A LOT can be added to that list. The point in showing it to you is that each and every one of those facts are indisputable. You can't write a "hit piece" saying how crazy and nutty the 9/11 Truth Movement is because of that information. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find any "journalist" write about that information.

    Over the last few years, the movement has moved away from that information in favor of promoting our theories. We took it upon ourselves to figure out what happened on 9/11 because our Government wasn't willing to tell us. Some theories are more sound than others. In fact, World Trade Center 7 was most likely brought down by controlled demolition. If you look at the information Dr. Griffin, and Professor Jones bring to the table, it's very difficult to argue their conclusions.

    However, as I said, Controlled Demolition is a theory. Professor Jones claims he has a piece of steel from the WTC that has traces of thermate, but until he can prove that conclusively, the idea of Controlled Demolition is still a theory.

    You could come up with 1000 theories about what happened on 9/11, and never find out what happened, and have 1000 "hit pieces" written about you. Or, you could produce a few facts that conflict with the 9/11 Commission's report, and watch the fireworks fly.

    Recently, it was discovered that "audiotapes provided to the commission by Norad demonstrated widespread confusion within the military on the morning of the attacks, with many air-defense commanders uncertain whether the reports of the hijackings were part of an unannounced military exercise."

    That is conclusive proof that the Wargames that were taking place on 9/11 caused confusion on the ground. Add that to the fact that the 9/11 Commission didn't bother addressing the 5+ Wargames taking place that morning, and instead mentioned only 1 in a footnote in the back of the book. That is a verifiable "Cover-Up". Something tangible, and something proveable.

    They laugh at our theories. They run away from our facts. Please keep that in mind.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I fully expect this article to piss a few people off. Sorry in advance.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    Bull Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    We Have Been Reduced To A Theory

    Has anyone noticed that the media likes to pounce on our theories? Everytime someone writes a "hit piece", they focus on two theories presented by the 9/11 Truth Movement:
    • The World Trade Center was brought down by Controlled Demolition.
    • The Pentagon was not hit by Flight 77.
    In the early beginnings of this movement, certain facts stood out that made people question what really happened on 9/11.

    Some of these facts include:
    • Excessive "put options" purchased on American and United days before 9/11.
    • A $100,000 wire transfer from the Pakistani ISI to Mohammad Atta.
    • The absence of our military.
    • The Secret Service not doing their job in regards to the President.
    • Warnings from 14 different countries about the impending attacks.
    • The August 6th, PDB.
    • Whistleblowers like Coleen Rawley, Robert Wright, and Sibel Edmonds.
    Obviously, A LOT can be added to that list. The point in showing it to you is that each and every one of those facts are indisputable. You can't write a "hit piece" saying how crazy and nutty the 9/11 Truth Movement is because of that information. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find any "journalist" write about that information.

    Over the last few years, the movement has moved away from that information in favor of promoting our theories. We took it upon ourselves to figure out what happened on 9/11 because our Government wasn't willing to tell us. Some theories are more sound than others. In fact, World Trade Center 7 was most likely brought down by controlled demolition. If you look at the information Dr. Griffin, and Professor Jones bring to the table, it's very difficult to argue their conclusions.

    However, as I said, Controlled Demolition is a theory. Professor Jones claims he has a piece of steel from the WTC that has traces of thermate, but until he can prove that conclusively, the idea of Controlled Demolition is still a theory.

    You could come up with 1000 theories about what happened on 9/11, and never find out what happened, and have 1000 "hit pieces" written about you. Or, you could produce a few facts that conflict with the 9/11 Commission's report, and watch the fireworks fly.

    Recently, it was discovered that "audiotapes provided to the commission by Norad demonstrated widespread confusion within the military on the morning of the attacks, with many air-defense commanders uncertain whether the reports of the hijackings were part of an unannounced military exercise."

    That is conclusive proof that the Wargames that were taking place on 9/11 had something to do with the absence of our military. Add that to the fact that the 9/11 Commission didn't bother addressing the 5+ Wargames taking place that morning, and instead mentioned only 1 in a footnote in the back of the book. That is a verifiable "Cover-Up". Something tangible, and something proveable.

    They laugh at our theories. They run away from our facts. Please keep that in mind.
    I agree with you, and it reminds me of Football. When the team blitz's and gets burned on a pass. We're making up theories (some of them very Pods and Flight 93 landing in Cleveland), and getting burned in the media by hit peices. I don't mind controlled demolition, because that's obviously what brought down Building 7...and most likely what brought down the other buildings as well. Controlled Demolition is a solid theory, but I think sometimes in these interviews with people on TV...Truthers tend to go off topic and talk about things that aren't solid theories. I saw that the 9/11 book is pumping up the cruise missile being shot at the Pentagon as the sole explanation for 9/11 Truth concerning the Pentagon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Facts aren't flashy. Thanks for signing up.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    ParallaxView Guest
    I agree some theories/facts have been lost in the shuffle. When they write these 'hit pieces' they tend to choose the ones that sound ludicrous to the average joe in the street. For example the deriding of the Pod theory in the Popular Mechanics article.

    I think that focusing on WTC7 and its collapse is a good way to introduce the average joe to the other theories and facts. It's funny that in most of the hit pieces and all the derision on Fox news they never seem to bring up WTC7.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I was actually referring to WTC7 when writing this. Is that all there is? WTC7? I think not.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I watch people on blogger when someone gets a TV appearance... "They'd better mention WTC7... if they don't mention WTC7, then they are suspect..."

    If given a TV appearance, I could show complicity without mentioning the buildings or the Pentagon.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Somehow, that's been lost along the way. The Scholars have a lot to do with that.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    Bull Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Somehow, that's been lost along the way. The Scholars have a lot to do with that.
    Then to, I think many people within 9/11 Truth have different opinions as to what happened and how. This is what creates differing arguments. We need a level-headed person in 9/11 Truth that can convey our feelings to America in a sincere way. Because THAT'S what's going to get more people to join us. I never liked the hardliner, aggressive, and somewhat knee-jerk approach to this movement. I've always told people, we need to be like Martin Luther King, not Malcolm X.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    That's the thing... we have different opinions as to what happened and how, but we ALL agree that we have been lied to, and the ones who lied to us have benefitted the most from those lies. Why can't we focus on that? Some have said that I come across as sincere (which I am).
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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