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Thread: What do you do if your other half thinks you're 'obsessed with 9/11'

  1. #1
    AndrewLoweWatson Guest

    What do you do if your other half thinks you're 'obsessed with 9/11'

    I walked out on my partner tonight. Only for half an hour, mind. I took a short stroll to the nearest pub and then thought better of phoning my 911 mates and telling them I thought my partner was a government plant.

    That's what not sleeping does to you. Seriously, though, does anyone know how I can manage to co-exist peacefully with someone who will not say more than ''there's something suspicious going on, but I can't believe that they murdered their own people'. And he read Modern History at university.

    Sorry, Will (that's not his real name).

  2. #2
    casseia Guest

    Is it "interfering with the relationship"? Do you think you're obsessed? (I think I'm obsessed.) What's making you not sleep? Are you depressed?

    It's been a while since I've had an "other half." But in my case, I've had a conversation with a very dear friend in which she admitted that she "really didn't give a fuck about 9/11." She's in no way a bad person, an uninformed person, and unintelligent person -- she's just not ready to wrap her brain around the idea yet (IMO).

    I mean, there are arguments you could offer to counter the "they wouldn't kill their own people" thing. They obviously have no trouble killing their own people when they send them to Iraq. And also, who are "they" and were the people they killed really "their" people? (These days, I'm leaning toward the Webster Tarpley "shadow government" idea -- and I think that cobbled-together group of sociopaths is unlikely to have "people" of their own.)

    But there are more fundamental questions. Does he suggest you're obsessed out of concern for you? Or does he not want you to think about it because it makes him think about it, and he doesn't want to?

    Back in the day, when I had me a husband, he was extremely dismissive of any "alternative thinking" that I did and he was downright mean about it. That is not a tenable situation in a relationship. On the other hand, not sharing your "obsession" but being respectful of it doesn't seem like a deal-breaker to me. Especially if you have other friends to talk to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I say hand... listen up hand... I have to save this country. With, or without you.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    AuGmENTor Guest
    If you're in a situation where you have an "other," why does that persons view, or lack thereof have to affect your relationship. No two people are ever going to agree on everything. It should come as no surprise that most peoples partners are just not going to see (or care, or care to see) the events the same way you do. How many other areas of your relationship do you see exactly the same way? Really think about that, and make a percentage out of it. You may be shocked at the answer. That doesn't mean that you don't care for one another, it means that you have opposing views. I understand that it can be frustrating to not have your signifigant other see the obvious truth of 911, but you can't let that ruin your relationship. or me, I could care less. I run into people I care for all the time who are not ready to be unplugged. I don't let it upset me, I just keep the fires burning, and keep my OWN awareness up so that when it becomes real for them, I can get them caught up quickly...

  5. #5
    AndrewLoweWatson Guest
    Yeah guys. I know I am damned lucky to have such a fine individual as my partner, and I know that our differences of opinion shouldn't be a divisive wedge. I have said ''sorry for being so heavy'' to him. I just wondered how many other truthers had had similar rows with their nearest and dearest?

  6. #6
    wendi Guest
    It makes it alot easier to have someone who has similar views, especially if they become as dedicated or more dedicated than you are. I am extremely lucky to have Michael- the 9/11 movement has become an integral part in both our lives and therefore, although we are in separate states, we have this in common since it takes up a large part of our time. I do know people who's significant others have totally opposite views- it makes it hard and possibly makes it more difficult to spend all the time you want to on research and activism..not to mention events etc. Hopefully you can encourage him/her to at least watch a video or two, look at a couple of sites and, if not completely come around at least understand your motives.

  7. #7
    ParallaxView Guest
    My other half sometimes asks me to "give your head a rest" when I'm reading 9/11 stuff a lot or watching a lot of related videos.

    She will happily sit with me and watch documentaries on the subject or listen to me rant. So it's all good.

    Hi,im new

  8. #8
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    I say hand... listen up hand... I have to save this country. With, or without you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ParallaxView
    My other half sometimes asks me to "give your head a rest" when I'm reading 9/11 stuff a lot or watching a lot of related videos.

    She will happily sit with me and watch documentaries on the subject or listen to me rant. So it's all good.

    Hi,im new
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #10
    AndrewLoweWatson Guest
    I slept four hours last night and when I woke I couldn't believe what I had thought and posted yesterday.

    Sleep - does anyone have some they don't need? Guess it's going to have to be two of the little white ones tonight.

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