For all of you in NY, try to make it to the screening of Cui bono? WTC in NY. Here are the details:

A reminder to all those 9/11 truthers and non-believers alike, Newfilmmakers has selected our short video documentary Cui bono? WTC for a showing 7/19/06. The venue is Anthology Film Archives; 32 Second Ave, NYC, NY 10003. The films start at 6:00pm so don’t be late cause Cui bono? WTC is scheduled to be first. We hope that everyone in the NYC area will spare the cost of a New York cup of coffee and hop the subway to support our efforts to wake up the amnesia plagued American public. Cost to view the screening is five (5) bucks and the schedule can be found in our Press/Other links.

If you don't live in the NY area, you can still watch the movie at this site:

Here is the post with the details located at the site:

It's important to introduce or further imprint the importance of the 911 Truth Movement in whatever way as possible. Please check the movie out, either in person in NY or by downloading and viewing at our site. It is free, and we encourage the video to be distributed in whatever way (links, burn to DVD and distribute, etc.)

Hope you all enjoy, and let's spread the word!