911 Russian Style

Did the FSB get caught planting bombs in Russian Apartment buildings? Video shows convincing evidence that the FSB (Russian FBI) was bombing itself during the late 90’s and blaming it on Chechnian Rebels.

Great clip. They have a sweet talk show where they have witnesses and FSB high-ups battling it out while witnesses are calling them straight liars.

Also has some nice contradictory statements from officials saying the bombings were diverted and then the FSB saying it was a drill. A drill that looked exactly like many previouis bombings? I'm sure there would be a drill when at the same time bombings exactly like this are going off one after the other in the previous weeks.

First responders bomb experts concluded it was Hexogen (bomb material) and then FSB claims it’s sugar but that they had detonated the 'bomb material' to expose of it.

But why? If it was sugar?

After I saw this video a few years ago...false-flag operation became something 100% plausible in regards to 911. It was probably my tipping point.

It's 45 mins. long. Sorry about the quality. Open the video in an external video and enlarge the video.