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Thread: Ahmadinejad: Islamic Countries Should Eliminate Israel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Ahmadinejad: Islamic Countries Should Eliminate Israel

    Ahmadinejad: Islamic Countries Should Eliminate Israel

    (Gold9472: Not good. Keep in mind though, his meaning regarding the "Wiping off the map", etc... might have been wrongly interpreted.)

    By VOA News
    08 July 2006

    Iran's president has called on Islamic countries to eliminate Israel.

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke Saturday in Tehran at the opening of a regional conference of Islamic nations. He said the basic problem in the Islamic world is the existence of what he called the Zionist regime. He said the Islamic world must mobilize to remove the problem.

    The two-day meeting is aimed at improving security in Iraq. Foreign ministers from many Arab countries are attending.

    Mr. Ahmadinejad called on Iraq's neighbors to help keep foreign terrorists out of that country. The Iranian president said the ongoing insurgency is an excuse for foreign troops to remain in Iraq.

    The U.S. has accused Iran of supporting Shi'ite insurgents in Iraq. But earlier this year, Washington said it was ready to discuss with Tehran how it could use its influence on Iraqi Shi'ites to bring security to that country.

    The U.S. has also blamed Damascus for allowing foreign insurgents to pass through Syria on their way to Iraq.

    Mr. Ahmadinejad is known for his fiery anti-Israel rhetoric. On Friday, he called the Jewish state a "fake regime" and said it should be dismantled.

    Last year, he faced international condemnation after he questioned the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews and said Israel should be wiped off the map.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    beltman713 Guest
    Did he really say that? He has been "quoted" before as saying things that later turned out to not be true.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by beltman713
    Did he really say that? He has been "quoted" before as saying things that later turned out to not be true.
    This one states, "On Friday, he called the Jewish state a "fake regime" and said it should be dismantled."

    He's referring to the Government.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    Partridge Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    This one states, "On Friday, he called the Jewish state a "fake regime" and said it should be dismantled."

    He's referring to the Government.
    Actually I agree with this, but I think Mr. Ahmadinejad should apply the same logic at home. Eliminate ALL regimes based on the percieved superiority of one religion over any other, including the Iranian regime!

    But of course, these are tasks for the peoples' of those countires, not foriegn invaders - be they Christian, Muslim or Jewish.

  5. #5
    YouCrazyDiamond Guest
    I have spent a considerable amount of time with many Persians that fled Iran in the late 70s.

    They really, really miss Iran. And from their descriptions it is an amazingly dynamic society with a rich cultural heritage, one to be proud of in many ways.

    Don’t let these fucktards fool you into thinking they are all religious zealots, etc.

    The mix is probably about the same as we have in the USA.

    And those in Iran that know better are desperately fighting for their liberty.

    I’m not quite sure yet where Ahmadinejad fits into all this.

  6. #6
    Partridge Guest
    Don’t let these fucktards fool you into thinking they are all religious zealots, etc.
    I didn't say they were (all religious zealots).

    Once upon a time in the early 1980s Iran had the biggest Communist Party (the Tudeh Party) in the middle east. Unfortunatley they fucked up bigtime during the Revolution and found themselves royally fucked by the Ayatollahs. Now not only the CP, but other communist, socialist and leftwing groups (such as the Worker-Communist Party of Iran) are banned, and their memebers (or anyone suspected of being members) are open to imprisonment and/or execution.

    In the words of the WCPI: "Down with the Islamic Republic!"

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