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Thread: Get Out Your Pocketbooks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Get Out Your Pocketbooks

    Hello all. It has been brought to my attention that certain organizations, and people need money within the movement in order to maintain what it is that they do. It's not like paying $30 a month for a website. Some of these people actually work to bring the truth out. It's all they do. This is their job.

    You can't get the truth out without money unfortunately. In today's world, money speaks louder than words.

    Therefore, I'm asking that, if you can, please donate to some or all of the following organizations and campaigns. - They are the centeral hub of the 9/11 Truth Movement. - They supply everyone's knowledge moreso than any other group of people.

    If there are others that you can think of, please let me know, and I'll add them to the list. I know John Albanese, the maker of "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" has asked for donations.

    “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” – independent film
    A Call for Support

    Be careful what you wish for – you just might get it.

    I am approaching the 1 month anniversary of the release (or should I say “unleashing”) of my independent film “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime.” In these short 23 days since the release I have seen my film proliferate from coast to coast, translated into Dutch, and most recently cited by Congressman Curt Weldon in a Press Release entitled “New Able Danger Video.”

    Additionally, my twin websites and have each exceeded their permissible bandwidth by hundreds of gigabytes each. I am unsure by what spit and glue administrative miracle these websites continue to be allowed to stay alive and functional. I would like to think that my webmaster is tuned in – and turned on.

    Requests continue to pour in from all over the world for copies of this film. Many of these requests are extremely promising leads that I feel the 9/11 Truth community cannot afford to ignore. It is important to note that when a 9/11 Truth film, such as this, crosses over into mainstream and international venues, such as a classic rock radio station in Alberta Canada that is offering their support, and requesting interviews, and indymedia venues in Sheffield UK and myriad other film festivals and fledgling 9/11 Truth groups worldwide lumped into the 300+ emails I receive per day – we as a community need to pool our resources and ensure that EVERY request be addressed and honored – because I simply cannot do this alone – and the opportunity is simply too important to squander.

    I recently accepted an invitation from a very talented musician/healer/artist in New York City named IMOV Shakti to meet with her for a session of spiritual guidance. She contacted me because she sensed my distress, and the strange combination of chaos and isolation that I seem to be projecting into the cosmos.

    While our session explored a number of personal issues, it was also inevitable that the subject of my 9/11 activism would arise. IMOV helped me to see that there was nothing heroic or noble or sensible about embracing a totally acetic philosophy of personal financial ruin in seeking to disseminate the truth. But that is exactly what I have chosen to do. While my wife and I work to make ends meet, and move into our new apartment, and pay the bills and wash the dishes – it has become apparent that we cannot meet all of the 9/11 Truth community’s needs and demands.

    My vow to keep this film “Free” will always be honored in every sense of the word – both monetarily and spiritually- but unless sincere members of this community step in to help support Dawn and myself, I fear that this opportunity will be lost. I simply cannot afford to honor every request and opportunity that is making itself available to me. Simply put, I cannot afford it – and I am overwhelmed.

    It saddens me to report that I will be unable to attend the Chicago Conference for this very reason. It also saddens me to report that I have been unable to respond to each and every request I have received for support.

    So how do I protect my integrity – and my word – keep this film “free” - while continuing to meet the needs of this community?

    IMOV’s incredible act of charity helped me to see the answer.

    The answer is the community itself.

    While I am here now asking for your support – and to visit to make a donation towards helping Dawn and myself continue to distribute this film on a strictly not-for-profit basis, I am also here to demonstrate to you that this community can and will be self sustaining – and there are as many loaves and fished in this basket as we need.

    9/11 will not stand – because a house divided will not stand. We have the power – and a day will arrive when this national nightmare will all end – justice will be served- and we can all go back to our normal lives, and building a better tomorrow.

    All our love –
    John & Dawn

    People Running For Office
    Carol Brouillet
    Dr. Robert Bowman
    Rep. Cynthia McKinney
    Rep. Ron Paul

    Thank you for doing what you can. Remember, we donated $5Billion to the families of 9/11. We need to donate toward our and their futures as well.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Tonya Guest
    This is a shame! John desreves so much to go. I am a totally broke grad student out of cash and can't really afford the gas money and so forth to go to this conference but I am anyway. This guy, he really should be there. John and Dawn need help. The only thing I can think of are my frequent flyer miles but I can't give those to anyone else.
    I feel bad but have no funds to dip into. Is there anything that I can do to help them ????

  3. #3
    Dr. David Ray Griffin Guest
    Just a note to say that I completely support this call for donations to the 9/11 truth movement, especially the three websites and the five brave candidates mentioned above. At this point in history, the single most important issue is getting the truth about 9/11 exposed, because this false-flag operation continues to be THE pretext for most of the immoral, illegal, and destructive policies being carried out by the Bush-Cheney administration. There is no worthier cause for our generous support.---David Ray Griffin, author of "Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11" and co-editor of "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thank you Dr. Griffin.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tonya
    This is a shame! John desreves so much to go. I am a totally broke grad student out of cash and can't really afford the gas money and so forth to go to this conference but I am anyway. This guy, he really should be there. John and Dawn need help. The only thing I can think of are my frequent flyer miles but I can't give those to anyone else.
    I feel bad but have no funds to dip into. Is there anything that I can do to help them ????
    You just did.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Hey man. It doesn't matter that I don't know you. From what I've seen in just a few days of reading these posts, I can see you know what you're talking about, and have a sincere desire to help. Due to an ongoing battle with our lovely govt, I cannot have a bank account, they take the money the day I open it. If you privately e-mail me your snailmail adress, I'd be happy to send you whatever small pittance I can afford. It won't be that much, not to cry the blues, but I am the sole supporter of 7 people, and if I can flip 50 beans it'll be alot. But the great wall of china was built one brick at a time, so maybe it'll help. You can also suggest an alternate means of me getting it to you if you're leery of giving me your adress. thanx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AuGmENTor
    Hey man. It doesn't matter that I don't know you. From what I've seen in just a few days of reading these posts, I can see you know what you're talking about, and have a sincere desire to help. Due to an ongoing battle with our lovely govt, I cannot have a bank account, they take the money the day I open it. If you privately e-mail me your snailmail adress, I'd be happy to send you whatever small pittance I can afford. It won't be that much, not to cry the blues, but I am the sole supporter of 7 people, and if I can flip 50 beans it'll be alot. But the great wall of china was built one brick at a time, so maybe it'll help. You can also suggest an alternate means of me getting it to you if you're leery of giving me your adress. thanx
    Not me... them.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    AuGmENTor Guest
    who is them just tell me where to squat and lean

  9. #9
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Oh crap you got DRG on here! Wowzers!

  10. #10
    AuGmENTor Guest
    DRG? whats that?

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