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Thread: America: From Freedom To Fascism - New Trailer - Video Inside

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    America: From Freedom To Fascism - New Trailer - Video Inside

    America: From Freedom To Fascism - New Trailer

    Click Here
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Cloak & Swagger Guest
    I don't think I'd seen the original trailer, but this one looks pretty compelling.

  3. #3
    AuGmENTor Guest
    If you recall, I said a while ago, in another thread that income taxes are 100% illegal, and I don't pay them. ( I am too lazy to find the link and post it) You know, the answer on how to make this truth movement thing come to a head might be staring us in the face. If we could get a large enough number of people to stop paying income taxes, we could force a reform by bankrupting our government... hang on, someones at the door.....LOL

  4. #4
    Partridge Guest
    i haven't watched the link, but i would seriously take issue with teh title. America has NEVER enjoyed freedom. And I ain't talkin taxes here. Taxes are something I support actually (I say only tax people who make over €800 a week, and make it more tax the more you make), but that's irelevant to what i'm talkn about.

    the US, much as i admire the 'founding fathers' for their progressive outlook at the time (especially Tom Paine - the immigrant Brit who caused the revolution by writing 'Common Sense' - who is a personal hero of mine) was based upon slavery (Paine was an abolitionist as it goes), racism, classism and expolitation. Then as it grew it became based upon the same (and still is in many ways) and with the added Awesome Extra Feature of Imperialism. And peoples 'freedom' (like the freedom to have cheap ass oil, or seven million varieties of banana) comes from the colonial enslavement of The Other - ie, the rest of the fuckin world.

    The only people who have ever been free in the US are the rich (and you'd be hard pressed to believe it with the amount of whining they do about taxes). and of course, those who benefit most from fascism (not that i'm saying the us is in a fascist situation, i dont think it yet is) are, surprise surprise, the rich.

    So, in summary, this should be called 'The US - From One Not Quite As Repressive System of Organized Class Theivery To Fascism'.

    And fascism is still far worse.

    But if you think I'm being hyperbolic about the state of the US pre-Bush, please name ONE period (of even five years) when people were not facing repression of one kind or another within the US.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I do agree with you. There were times, however, that Americans had a different kind of life than they do today. There is a definite change in the way America "feels". I don't know if that makes any sense.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    And I agree... taxes are necessary, however, they should go towards their purpose, and NOT what they do.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    And I agree... taxes are necessary, however, they should go towards their purpose, and NOT what they do.
    And I agree also, taxes are american as apple pie... But look, on every dollar I spend here in the rotten apple, a good portion of it is to cover tax. Taxes on my gas, smokes, property, EVERYTHING... I buy a car for 15,000$ and I pay sales tax, 8.25% now I believe. When I sell the car i have to PAY tax on the money I receive. As well as the person who BUYS it now has to pay tax on it. After all of that, we get to income tax. Lets set aside that a man can only LEGALY* be taxed on proerty he owns, not on his income. In NY if I gross 1800$ a week I pay HALF of that in taxes... Bottom line with income taxes I can't afford to live, without them I can. I don't need to live like a king, my needs are few. But you're saying I should pay these taxes so that congressmen/senators can make 100,000+$ /year, work 66 days out of the year, take my freedom, vote THEMSELVES payraises? Not to mention covering up the biggest conspiracies in the history of the PLANET. C'mon guys, income taxes are like funding terrorrism.

  8. #8
    Partridge Guest
    income taxes are like funding terrorrism
    Income taxes are funding terrorism. If you live in the us, britain, israel, or any multitude of other countries that is.

    But if like me you live in a 'neutral' country then our taxes allegedly help the poor. Like I said - allegedly. Some of them do. Most of them don't, they go into all sorts of bullshit still. Just it generally isn't the active mass murder of The Other. But guess what, even our Tax-Euros have found their way into helping the 'war on terrorism'.

    Wuldn't taxes be awesome if you could say 'i want my taxes to go to X place' - we'd soon see where united statisian peoples' loyalties lie. I wonder would I be wrong in thinking that at least 90% of ppl would say 'give it to hospitals, food, environment and welfare and whatever else you spend it on DON'T SPEND IT ON WAR YOU FUCKS!'

  9. #9
    AuGmENTor Guest
    I wonder would I be wrong in thinking that at least 90% of ppl would say 'give it to hospitals, food, environment and welfare and whatever else you spend it on DON'T SPEND IT ON WAR YOU FUCKS!'


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