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Thread: Some telling quotes from latest Newsweek on the Haditha situation....

  1. #1
    Good Doctor HST Guest

    Some telling quotes from latest Newsweek on the Haditha situation....

    "Actually, it's quite fun to fight them (the Iraqis). You know, it's a hell of a hoot.... I like brawling. You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them."

    -General James Mattis addressing his troops

    "People were taking steroids, Valium, hooked on painkillers, drinking. They'd go on raids and patrols totally stoned. We're killing the wrong people all the time, and mostly by accident. One guy in my squadron ran over a family with his tank."

    Clif Hicks, former tank squadron soldier

    Hicks also goes on to say, "There's a lot of guys who steal from the Iraqis. Money, family heirlooms, and then they brag about it. Guys would crap into MRE bags and throw them to old men begging for food."

    "There were problems in Kilo Company (those responsible for the killings in Haditha) with drugs, alcohol, hazing, you name it. I think it's more than possible that these guys were totally tweaked out on speed or something when they shot those civilians in Haditha."

    -wife of a staff sergeant, who declined to be indentified

    And, quite possibly, the most unbelievable thing I read from the article, comes from Clif Hicks again. He states that infantry soldiers sometimes stick their legs out of the Humvee under sniper fire, hoping to get a nonlethal wound.

    Does any of this sound productive to liberating Iraqis and securing peace?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Makes me want to puke.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    AuGmENTor Guest
    were it not for the date and mention of nationality, I'dve sworn we were talkin about Vietnam

  4. #4
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    This is why I don't support the troops. As a matter of fact, I hate the troops. Fuck the troops.

  5. #5
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Cmon now they're not ALL bad. I served with some real stand up guys on 1990, and There are some honest ppl in there.

  6. #6
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by AuGmENTor
    Cmon now they're not ALL bad. I served with some real stand up guys on 1990, and There are some honest ppl in there.
    I see your point. But anybody who flys a jet and drops bombs or fire tank rounds, and so forth , KNOWING that civilians would get killed and think nothing of it are cold blooded killers in my book.

  7. #7
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    And in my mind anyone who runs around waving a flag and a "support our troops" banner is guilty too because they support this. Just like supporting the war.

  8. #8
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilosophyGenius
    And in my mind anyone who runs around waving a flag and a "support our troops" banner is guilty too because they support this. Just like supporting the war.
    I do agree with you about that. I don't support what they are over there for, and there times that they do not do the right thing. It is their comander in chief that I hold accountable for the fact that they are over there. But having served in a combat theatre, and having read about others, I know that it is a wierd set of events that lead up to what those men face. Drugs are defenitely* a part of it, but it's more. I guess you could say it's blood lust. I am not defending it, merely acknowleging that it exists. If you hang around the barbershop, you WILL get a haircut eventually.

  9. #9
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Further, you don't know that they "think nothing" of their actions. That is an assumption on your part. I carry hideous baggage from my time there, and what makes it worse is now that I know it was to satisfy the agenda of a wanna be dictator. I killed four civilians, men who were only trying to feed their families under the assumtion that they were the enemy, based on orders from my govt, who then tried to lock me up. It was dark and I had no idea who they were. But we had lost alot of men to night fighting, and I couldn't afford to risk making a mistake. By your logic, I thought nothing of this, when the reality is rarely a day goes by (fifteen years later) that I don't think of it.

  10. #10
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Just look at the footage of fighter pilots returning from a mission. To them its just another day on the job when they've just killed a bunch of people. That's what I'm talking about. Soldier busting into homes and treating Iraqis like dogs, and treating them like dogs on the street. It's well documented. But yeah a lot of them are good guys, but overall my concience won't let me support them.

    You were in Iraq Augmentor?

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