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Thread: I'm Back From Chicago, And It Was Amazing

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jan H.
    Hi Jon,

    Thank you for the great report from the Chicago event.
    Always a welcome read.

    Hey sweety. I wish you could have been there. It was a sight to see.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #12
    Radical Pragmatist Guest
    I am humbled by your inclusion of my name in the list of important people at the Chicago conference. Flattery will get you every where.

    I first wanted to apologize for not participating in your conference. I was on my way there, when I had the opportunity of introducing Richard Grove to Webster Tarpley. They sat down on those comfy leather couches in the lobby and had an amazing conversation that I just had to stay and listen ( and add my two cents of course.)
    I'm still trying to put all of my thoughts and feelings from the conference in order for some brilliant analysis but I have to say that all this blogging can seem pretty inconsequestial and fruitless after the conference.

    I considerer you a friend and a comPatriot.

    Lets fight the good fight, the time for debate is over!

    And Yes!! We will win!
    The sooner the better!

    PS. Your site still confuses the crap out of me!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Radical Pragmatist
    I am humbled by your inclusion of my name in the list of important people at the Chicago conference. Flattery will get you every where.

    I first wanted to apologize for not participating in your conference. I was on my way there, when I had the opportunity of introducing Richard Grove to Webster Tarpley. They sat down on those comfy leather couches in the lobby and had an amazing conversation that I just had to stay and listen ( and add my two cents of course.)
    I'm still trying to put all of my thoughts and feelings from the conference in order for some brilliant analysis but I have to say that all this blogging can seem pretty inconsequestial and fruitless after the conference.

    I considerer you a friend and a comPatriot.

    Lets fight the good fight, the time for debate is over!

    And Yes!! We will win!
    The sooner the better!

    PS. Your site still confuses the crap out of me!
    Just because I mentioned you, doesn't necessarily mean I think you're "important".

    Don't worry about the conference. I heard I did well. I didn't think so, but what can ya do?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #14
    Radical Pragmatist Guest
    Thanks for clarifying the "important" jackass.:smile:

    Actually we need millions of more 'unimportant' people that understand the truth of 911 and want it exposed. Thats my angle on exposing all of this.

    The NYTimes article makes it clear that they're current approach is to make us look like a cult or freaky "in-group" that you automatically join if you believe the evidence that 911 was an inside job. Our commercial culture is all about image and identity, so its natural that they would try this and many in the "Truth" movement are also extremely vulnerable to this 'in crowd' mentality. Its a big obstacle to our 911 questions becoming main stream, and they know it. I've seen this myself when talking to people about 911, they think their joining a club that comes with all kinds of other opinions and attitudes automatically attatched.

  5. #15
    Radical Pragmatist Guest
    And I'm offended by the Newbie Logo....
    At this conference : I hugged the webfairy, sang Jesus Christ superstar with Malcontent X, and talked religion and 911 with Robert Bowman, and cried with James Fetzer.

  6. #16
    somebigguy Guest
    Hey RP, are you back already? I thought you'd still be in the bar...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by somebigguy
    Hey RP, are you back already? I thought you'd still be in the bar...
    The "Truther" bar?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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