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Thread: Amnesty Slams Israel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Amnesty Slams Israel

    Amnesty slams Israel,00.html

    23/05/2006 08:10 - (SA)

    Jerusalem - Israeli security forces and settlers are being allowed to perpetrate abuses against Palestinians with no real fear of being brought to justice, Amnesty International said in a report on Tuesday.

    The failure of the authorities to bring prosecutions against Israeli citizens was in marked contrast however with the pursuit of Palestinians through trials which often failed to meet international standards, the London-based rights group charged.

    "Israeli soldiers, police and settlers who committed unlawful killings, ill-treatment and other attacks against Palestinians and their property commonly did so with impunity," Amnesty said in its annual report.

    Turning a blind eye
    "Investigations were rare, as were prosecutions of the perpetrators, which in most cases did not lead to convictions."

    Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank frequently complain that the authorities turn a blind eye to attacks by settlers, either physical assaults or destruction of their farmland.

    The government has acknowledged that hardline settlers have been able to wreck olive orchards in the territory and allegations that livestock has been poisoned have also been investigated.

    Amnesty however said that complaints sometimes proved counter-productive for the Palestinian population.

    "Israeli soldiers and police at times intervened to stop settlers attacking Palestinians, often when Israeli or international peace activists were present," the report said.

    "However, in most cases they failed to intervene and often responded to settlers' attacks by imposing further restrictions on the local Palestinian population, as demanded by the settlers."

    The reluctance to pursue the settlers or soldiers through the civil courts was not replicated when it came to the Palestinians who are often tried before military courts sitting without a jury, said the report.

    "By contrast, Israel used all means at its disposal, including assassinations, collective punishment and other measures that violate international law, against Palestinians who carried out attacks against Israelis or were suspected of direct or indirect involvement in such attacks.

    "Trials before military courts often did not meet international standards of fairness, with allegations of torture and ill-treatment of detainees inadequately investigated," it added.

    There was no immediate response to the report by the Israeli government.

    In a separate report on the performance of the Palestinian Authority which covered the time before the radical Islamist movement Hamas came to power in March, Amnesty charged that the security forces were also being allowed to evade justice and its system of justice was riddled with problems.

    "The security and judicial institutions remained dysfunctional, beset by factional fighting and power struggles, and unable or unwilling to restore law and order," it said.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    EminemsRevenge Guest
    As clearly illustrates, there is no shortage of Jew haters in this world.

    Every time i hear of the "poor Palestinians" i'm reminded of and her children--- ...and for those of you who've forgotten the story:

    Palestine and those countries surrounding Israel should be glad that i'm NOT the prime minister of Israel...General Patton would look like a pansy in juxtaposition to moi

  3. #3
    thumper Guest
    I side with Israel on this issue

  4. #4
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by thumper
    I side with Israel on this issue
    Israel is a repressive, imperialist nation incase you didn't know.

  5. #5
    DSM Guest
    Don't know how accurate this information is:

    Would also recommend the documentary "Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land" some insight on how bad things really are for the palestinians.

    And no, I'm not in any anti-semetic crowd. I simply want more peace on this earth.

  6. #6
    thumper Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilosophyGenius
    Israel is a repressive, imperialist nation incase you didn't know.
    that's just what the whorish corporate media will tell you.

    i listen to undergroud Israeli radio, it's a very different picture.

  7. #7
    DSM Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by thumper
    that's just what the whorish corporate media will tell you.

    i listen to undergroud Israeli radio, it's a very different picture.
    This documentary gives a totally different picture about what the media says:

  8. #8
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Israeli and American media lie and slant the truth.

    Where's Partridge when you need him...

  9. #9
    thumper Guest
    the illuminati wants to destroy jerusalem. it would make sense that they would bash them in the media.

  10. #10
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    If the Illuminati wants to destroy Jeruselem, then why, oh why, does the American media so blantantly favor Israel. And why are all the former American Presidents since the mid 1900's incredibly biased towards Israel. Clinton said he would die for them, this President said he would go to war for them...and so forth.

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