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Thread: My Best Experiences In The 9/11 Truth Movement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    My Best Experiences In The 9/11 Truth Movement

    Here's a letter I got from someone a while ago...

    Not posting his name...


    I am totaly enthralled by the thread you guys having going on on I am lurker there, rarly post, but I have read nearly every entry that has been made on this topic. I am conspiracy threory enthusiast and genaraly agree that all is NOT as it appears. I am aware of Skull and Bones, trilats., Knights templor, etc... and truelly feel that there is devious human dealings going on there and have been for centeries. Oliver Stone's movie JFK and the book "High Treason" first got me interested in this subject and taught me to question authority.

    Just thought I'd let you know that there are those of us out there like you who are not just lemmings in a conga line to nowhere. At the same time I do believe that it is possible to live a life free from thought that provokes the suffering of the human mind. The teachings of the dalai llama and the Sri Lankan teachings of buddha promote and educate how one needs not to dwell on the evils, how one does not need to solve all of the worlds problems to achieve happiness.

    Even so, it is hard to stand by idle and let people like George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brainwash the people of the world. It is truely unnerving. Am I scared? No, Concerned? yes. I know many many people who will vote for Bush -both "good 'ol boys" and the economical elite alike. If I try to warn them of what you say they'd laugh me off the planet. It is sad. Are we crazy? or are they ingorant?

    I do belive there is truth behind your words...

    curious, what is your take on the moonlanding?

    Here was my response

    I appreciate EVERYTHING you just said to me, and I thank you for taking the time to write me.

    I tend to stay away from "Conspiracy Theories" that can't be proven with some hard evidence. Documents, News Articles, etc...

    Do I believe we landed on the moon? Yes. Think of it this way, in the last 100 years we've become the most technologically advanced society in our entire history as humans.

    We've proven that ANYTHING is possible with technology.

    BTW...I've been telling my friends the truth for over a year, and I STILL haven't convinced the majority of them.

    If you've read my articles, you'll know that people are afraid. I DO NOT blame them.

    People like you, who are "aware" of what's going on, shouldn't be afraid to at least tell people something credible. Something to get their minds kick started.

    They'll figure it out eventually. Sometimes it just takes a little more time.

    Again, thanks for writing me.

    All I ask is that you remember my Grandfather's name. Walter Gold. And that you spread the word whenever you get the chance. Even if just a little.

    I'm doing this GREATLY because I DO NOT want my little brother to go to the Middle East. Don't you know someone you don't want to see hurt?


    Here's a present for you.

    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    This Letter Is The Definition Of Unity
    Someone came to my defense against other 9/11 knowledgeables...

    Hi Gerard,

    Jon likes to concentrate on the facts that have a paper trail, like the put options, the ignored intelligence warnings, the warnings to the CIA not to fly that day, etc. It's not "his" evidence specifically, just the evidence he chooses to pursue.

    Jon in no way believes in the official story about 19 arabs, he is well aware that this was pulled off by the government. However, he tries to avoid anything speculative in nature or something that a skeptic can interpret differently and come to different conclusions. He also tries to stay away from any sensational stories that will cause the skeptics to roll their eyes and brand us as wacko conspiracy theorists.

    For example, when I first became aware of what really happened that day (thanks to Jon), I used to go around showing people pictures of the pod thinking it was irrefutable evidence. Needless to say, I was easily debunked by people claiming it was the wing fairing, and I looked like a fool. Whether or not there was a pod (I'm not sure anymore), it is easily debunked based on the fact that it "could" be the fairing, the skeptics will always have an argument to fall back on. Jon warned me that this was not the right approach, and he was right.

    As for Sibel Edmonds, I think Jon is trying to expose government corruption to open some eyes, as well as to support someone who has been wronged by the government. He is a big supporter of those that stand up against government corruption, he's also a big supporter of Mary Schneider. I guess Sibel's view of the attacks isn't as important as the fact that these people are trying to expose government corruption and have been effectively gagged. Jon is very patriotic and tries to support his fellow Americans.

    I often use the Sibel Edmonds case as an example of government corruption as well, and I'm MIHOP all the way. Maybe thats a mistake on my part, but I'm just trying to plant seeds. I actually wasn't aware of her official stance.

    I am a fan of your work, I have pulled out your "Conspiracy Theorists guide..." on more than one occasion when it was necessary. Regarding Kyle Hence and Bill Douglas, I'm not familiar with this issue, sorry. I am by no means an expert, I know enough to know the truth, and I use what I know to try to spread the truth a little.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Me On the "PSBB"

    12-05-2004, 09:51:42 PM

    I hope that you people don't base your opinions on the ENTIRE 9/11 Truth Movement based on what a few people have done or said. Including myself.

    But I have never LIED about my 9/11 FACTS, and I have NEVER had any intention but to HELP this country.

    This is a letter that was posted on the HSBB by luccheese...

    "Dear Gold9472, amen to you brother. I admire you for fighting in something you believe in with such great passion. At first when I started to read your posts I like many others thought you were just a crazy person ranting on about a conspiracy theory, I was wrong. So I started to educate myself about these topics at hand with the literature/videos that Gold had presented to the community. After hours of reading/watching I came to my final verdict. I was shocked at the cold hard facts slapping me in the face. I want to thank Gold for taking the time to educate me and many others. People of this board who constanly put him down, I laugh at you. You are fighting a lost cause. Do you really think he would go to such extremes just to get a rise out of you? Honestly come on now. This hate needs to stop. All the power to you Gold9472. Hopefully some day this country will wake from its eternal slumber.

    "All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself."
    Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), Vol. I

    Let the flames begin."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    princesskittypoo Guest
    i wasn't your best experience? turning my mind around had no high for you? i'm sad now *boohoo*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by princesskittypoo
    i wasn't your best experience? turning my mind around had no high for you? i'm sad now *boohoo*
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Everyone here is my "best experience"...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    kmwittig Guest
    I tend to stay away from "Conspiracy Theories" that can't be proven with some hard evidence. Documents, News Articles, etc...

    Thats what I am talking about.

    Look I am an old lady, and a history freak. I know FDR allowed the attack on pearl harbor so we could go to war with Germany.
    Bush planned to invade Iraq before he got into office, and I don't publish anything I haven't researched.
    Isn't it just a coincidence (NOT) that Georges brother was head of security at WTC, and there was a power outage in the south tower the weekend before the attacks?
    That means no one was able to be seen coming or going, and all sorts of things could have taken place.
    There is nothing that annoys me more than an uninformed opinion.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    From an observer. This made my night.

    "I have listened to your two recent interviews and it was good to hear your opinion and research that you have done about 9/11. So I would just like to say thank you for being an honest person(an American!) and trying to let all the other brainwashed/stubborn? Americans that there is more to 9/11 than what the govt is telling. I know there are many more people like you out there, I visit your website daily and really appreciate it. I think I have told you this before, but I am from Iraq (Assyrian) and I certainly have respect for Americans like you, Thank you.

    p.s sorry for my English is not 100%"
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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