Me On the "PSBB"

12-05-2004, 09:51:42 PM

I hope that you people don't base your opinions on the ENTIRE 9/11 Truth Movement based on what a few people have done or said. Including myself.

But I have never LIED about my 9/11 FACTS, and I have NEVER had any intention but to HELP this country.

This is a letter that was posted on the HSBB by luccheese...

"Dear Gold9472, amen to you brother. I admire you for fighting in something you believe in with such great passion. At first when I started to read your posts I like many others thought you were just a crazy person ranting on about a conspiracy theory, I was wrong. So I started to educate myself about these topics at hand with the literature/videos that Gold had presented to the community. After hours of reading/watching I came to my final verdict. I was shocked at the cold hard facts slapping me in the face. I want to thank Gold for taking the time to educate me and many others. People of this board who constanly put him down, I laugh at you. You are fighting a lost cause. Do you really think he would go to such extremes just to get a rise out of you? Honestly come on now. This hate needs to stop. All the power to you Gold9472. Hopefully some day this country will wake from its eternal slumber.

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself."
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), Vol. I

Let the flames begin."