When Will the Neo Cons Stand Up For the Troops?
After 9/11 Bush promised a full scale investigation into the attacks and a full scale war on terror. He has delivered neither. Aside from the fall 2001 attack on Afghanistan, there has been no war on terrorism.
It has been PROVEN that Bush fixed the facts to justify war in Iraq:
There was no Bin Laden or WMDs in Iraq, Bush fixed the facts, and Bush STILL says they are in Iraq because of 9/11:
There has been no war on terror and terrorism is as big a problem as ever before. And 1700 U.S. soldiers have died needlessly in a war for oil.
Its time everyone stood up, went to their local congressperson and DEMAND a full scale investigation into 9/11 and DEMAND a real war on terror. America's finest are dying everyday, and its time to bring them home.