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01-17-2005, 08:07 PM
The Government In A Nutshell

I thought about this today. Here is our Government in a nutshell. Bare with me because this is somewhat lengthy. If a person learns something, they express their knowledge in other facets of their life. For instance, if we learn that killing someone is bad, that doesn't give us the right to kill a group of people. We remember our knowledge that killing anybody is bad, therefore, MOST of us, don't do it.

When the Government learns something, they learn it in pieces. For instance, when slavery was abolished, our government learned the lesson that oppression, in any form, is bad. However, they forgot that lesson during Prohibition, A Women's Right To Vote, A Woman's Right To Choose, Black Rights, The Patriot Act, etc... Our government, in a nutshell, gets away with as much as they can, for as long as they can, until the majority says otherwise.

That way of doing things is incomprehensibly wrong. Never should the minority control the majority, and never should the majority control the minority. I believe that was our forefather's thinking when they established that a representative from each group of people, or party, would speak on their behalf. Also, "Big Business" doesn't count as 50 million votes with each billion dollar contribution. They count as one vote, and one vote only. That's why Campaign Reform would fix our current system.

Good Doctor HST
01-21-2005, 11:17 AM

Dancing Days Are Here Again???


This is how I view our current government.....

04-16-2005, 11:26 AM
Bush: All in all, it's been a really good year for us. (Stated I think in December 2001).

That's how I view the gov't.

04-16-2005, 07:26 PM
Well said Jon.

I read recently that Bush brings back our beloved men and women in the military who are maimed, their arms, legs and/or hands blown off or poisoned from depleted uranium or radiation, Bush/Rumsfeld bring them home in the dead of night under cover of darkness so We the People don't see them, just as they secretly hide the caskets of OUR dead -- their blood on the hands of the Bush/Cheney(Haliburton)/Rumsfeld/Rice/Congress cabal.

Did you see the article, if so, do you have the url to post?

www.maryschneider.us (http://www.maryschneider.us)

04-16-2005, 07:29 PM
Well said Jon.

I read recently that Bush brings back our beloved men and women in the military who are maimed, their arms, legs and/or hands blown off or poisoned from depleted uranium or radiation, Bush/Rumsfeld bring them home in the dead of night under cover of darkness so We the People don't see them, just as they secretly hide the caskets of OUR dead -- their blood on the hands of the Bush/Rumsfeld/Rice/Congress cabal.

Did you see the article, if so, do you have the url to post?

www.maryschneider.us (http://www.maryschneider.us)

No ma'am... haven't seen the article... there's more than enough articles about not showing caskets, etc...

04-16-2005, 08:09 PM
I've heard that somewhere too. They bring the dead and injured home only in the middle of night so no pictures get taken. Think I heard it on the radio.