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04-04-2006, 06:20 PM
9/11: a 7-Man Job



A common objection to the argument that 9/11 was an inside job is that the conspiracy would be too big to keep quiet. In other words, the argument is that it is impossible that so many people could have kept quiet for so long. SOMEONE would have talked or made a mistake, so that the conspiracy would have been discovered.

Is that true? Maybe.

But anyone who's seen a Tom Clancy or Robert Ludlum movie, or even watched enough Stargate, Star Trek or Alias, knows that a handful of bad guys can pull off big conspiracies, especially when they've got a high-level military or government person on board.

Moreover, to anyone who knows how covert military operations work, it is obvious that segmentation on a "need-to-know basis", along with deference to command hierarchy, means that a couple of top dogs can call the shots and most people helping won't even know the big picture.

I Can't Hear You
It has now been shown that a handful of people were responsible for willfully ignoring the evidence that Iraq lacked weapons of mass destruction. See, for, example this article. Indeed, Iraq was not the first time the U.S. has ignored or faked intelligence in order to justify war.

The facts are also clear that it was also obvious to U.S. intelligence that 9/11 was going to happen on or around the date it happened.

So how many people would it have taken to ignore the intelligence that hijackers were going to attack? How hard would it been for a handful of top-level administration officials to stick their fingers in their ears, say "nah nah nah" (lilke a kid does when they don't want to hear what you're saying), and let it happen?

Its Happened Before
As confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence, NATO, with the help of U.S. and foreign special forces, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

In the early 1950s, agents of an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers). Israel's Defense Minister was brought down by the scandal, along with the entire Israeli government. See also this confirmation.

But not in the U.S., right? Well, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. See this ABC news report, the official documents, and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings (click link entitled "Joint Chiefs Guilty-Northwoods").

But that was a plan that – while it would have involved a large conspiracy - was never carried out, right? True.

But as shown by this BBC special (which contains interviews with some of the key players), it is probable that America knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor -- down to the exact date of the attack -- and allowed it to happen to justify America's entry into World War II. See also this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points (the historian, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind). According to top WWII scholars, the Pearl Harbor conspiracy involved hundreds of military personnel. And -- most stunning -- the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that the Japanese attack would be successful

These are just a few of many examples of what are called "false flag operations", where governments attack their own people or allies – then blame it on their enemy – in order to justify a war against that enemy. There are many more examples from recent history.

In all of these cases, more than a handful of people were involved in planning, funding and carrying out the attacks. And yet no one spilled the beans or – if someone did – they were not believed.

But 9/11 Was Much Bigger
But 9/11 would have involved a much bigger conspiracy theory, which – unlike the examples above – would have been too big to keep quiet. Right?

Not necessarily.

NATO's Italian terror campaign would have involved quite a few people.

Pearl Harbor, according to top historians, involved hundreds of people.

9/11, in contrast, could have involved fewer people.

Indeed, one could argue that it involved ONE person. Let's say -- just as an example randomly pulled out of a hat -- Vice President Dick Cheney.

Cheney was apparently in charge of the entire U.S. government’s counter-terrorism program prior to 9/11, and in charge of ALL 5 of the war games which occurred on 9/11, and Mr. Cheney also coordinated the government's "response" to the attacks. See this CNN article; and this essay. Being in charge of all counter-terrorism in the U.S., Cheney was probably the person who moved up major war games so that they would overlap with games and terror drills already planned for 9/11. And see this interview of the former head of the Star Wars program and a former Air Force colonel.

And Cheney is the one who monitored flight 77 for many miles as it approached the Pentagon and -- when a military man asked "do the orders still stand?" -- Cheney responded affirmatively:

"The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" Watch the video for yourself.

In addition, a former Los Angeles police department investigator, whose newsletter is read by 45 members of congress, both the house and senate intelligence committees, and professors at more than 40 universities around the world, claims that Cheney was in charge of the entire military and the secret service during the 9/11 attacks, that the secret service has its own communications system which is parallel to and can even cut into normal military communication channels.

Most people acknowledge that Cheney is one of the most powerful vice presidents in history. In addition, Cheney has a long-standing history of falsifying and manipulating facts and taking brutal actions in furtherance of his imperial goals. For example, in the 70's -- Cheney was instrumental in generating fake intelligence exaggerating the Soviet threat in order to undermine coexistence between the U.S. and Soviet Union, which conveniently justified huge amounts of cold war spending. See also this article. And the former director of the CIA accused Cheney of overseeing torture policies. Colin Powell's former chief of staff also stated that Dick Cheney is guilty of war crimes. I'm not trying to be long-winded about Mr. Cheney's resume. I'm simply pointing out that Mr. Cheney seems to have the ability to make large U.S. policy decisions and take sweeping actions -- and to order others to do so -- without much problem.

Now, of course, there was probably more than one person involved in this hypothetical example. Mr. Cheney would probably have had 1 guy manning the secret service communications system and another guy sitting at a computer inserting false radar blips onto air traffic controllers' screens. But this demonstrates that you didn’t need thousands to pull off 9/11.

Wrecking Crew
Let’s take it one step further. How many people would it have taken to demolish World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7 with bombs? Hundreds? Thousands?

How about 3.

Specifically, there was plenty of opportunity to plant bombs in the Twin Towers. By way of example only:

Bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly and inexplicably removed from the Twin Towers in the weeks preceding 9/11

There was a power down in the Twin Towers on the weekend before 9/11, security cameras were shut down, and many workers ran around busily doing things unobserved

The Twin Towers had been evacuated a number of times in the weeks preceding 9/11

And, as an interesting coincidence, a Bush-linked company ran security at the trade centers

So here's a potential scenario:

One guy in the Bush-linked security company let's in the bomb-setters;

A 2-man crew of demolition experts sets the radio-controlled explosives while everyone is out of the building;

And the same crew detonates the explosives using a radio transceiver.

That adds only 3 more guys.

So, we're now up to perhaps 7 people total to pull off 9/11 (Cheney, another guy making sure intelligence warnings aren't acted on, the secret service agent and the the radar guy, the security guy and the two-man demolition crew).

How did they Keep Them Quiet?
Jason Bourne (the fictional character in the Bourne movies) kept people quiet by offering 2 alternatives: He told them that he'd pay them alot of money if they cooperated; or he'd kill them if they didn't.

Bourne had his own code of honor and was a good guy. If the 9/11 masterminds wanted to keep people quiet, they would probably be alot more ruthless, as they apparently do not follow Mr. Bourne's code of honor.

Moreover, many of the people who carried out 9/11 probably did so for ideological reasons -- they actually believed that killing 3,000 Americans was justified in a "ends justify the means" way as an excuse to carry out their agenda. Never underestimate the conviction of an idealogue.
These people would not need to be quieted. Even after the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, torture, spying, etc., they probably still believe they did the right thing by creating the justification for the administration's policies. They would thus have no desire to speak out.

Just because no one you know is this extreme an idealogue doesn't mean people like that don't exist. There are people who will go to their grave believing that their monstrous crimes were the acts of patriots.

How Many?
Were more than 7 guys involved? Probably. But it could still have involved many less people than were needed to carry out NATO's Italian terror campaign or to hide the fact that an entire fleet of Japanese ships was sailing towards Pearl Harbor.

Contrary to popular misperception, conspiracies are not that uncommon. Just because the government tries to claim that conspiracy theories are crazy does not mean that they don't exist.

Indeed, the commonly-parroted statement that there are no conspiracies is propaganda spread to protect the criminals who carry out false flag operations, and just may be the biggest conspiracy of them all.

04-04-2006, 11:10 PM
What most people don't get (and this helps to keep the truth about 9/11 obscured to them) is that all it takes is a few well placed moles at high level government/military positions who then direct everyone below them, steering them into becoming unwitting agents of the greater criminal plot.
Dick Cheney is a classic mole. On 9/11, while the public was anxiously awaiting some kind of response from federal officials, Cheney was busy in some underground bunker helping to ensure that the hijacked planes made their way to their intended targets. Richard Clarke is another. He was THE first person to mention what has become the official conspiracy theory put forth by the feds, that bin Laden and the mystical Al-Qaeda were "definitely" the sponsors of 9/11. Of course, like all the other government officials who have been and continue to be totally full of shit, he provided ZERO hard evidence conclusively proving what he put forth. So a man who the average person in America probably thinks is half a hero for exposing how the Bush administration hammered him about finding an Iraq-9/11 connection from the day 9/11 happened..is actually the original author of the feds' conspiracy theory!!
To get back to my point, there are two things I like to bring up which helps people understand how so "many" people can keep quiet: one is Iraq. I put it this way: if I, any guy off the street with not much money and no special access to government intelligence, can find out the status of Iraq, that is, its economic/military power and capability..why can't politicians who are far from stupid, and why can't the mainstream media, both of whom have much broader access to so much more information??? I can do basic research and find out that after the first Gulf War, Iraq was a decimated, battered skeleton of its former self, with its economy ravaged from the war itself, and made exponentially worse through the subsequent US sanctions, resulting in more than half a million deaths from starvation. All the DU the US dumped there the first go around resulted in a huge spike in cancer rates. The Iraqi military was thinned to almost nothing. So, here we have a country with no real effective formidable army, no real navy or air force, no WMDs, no big money..and this place had to go immediately?!
If I can find out these things, are we really supposed to believe that Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, John Murtha, Geroge Bush, Dick Cheney, the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc. somehow were ALL duped?? NONE of them could take out 30 minutes of their time to find out for themselves if what they were being told was true? Total fucking nonsense. I want to spit in the face of any piece of garbage that attempts to get up and claim they were not given access to the info, or they were lied to. They're politicians: that means they're professional bullshit artists!!! That'd be like a hooker claiming she could never imagine that her pimp would beat or rob her. Please.
The other thingy I like to bring up which illustrates the point is the JFK assassination, specifically Oswald. Poor Lee Harvey is a great example of how people can unknowingly be part of the criminal plot. Was he aware of the parallel invisible government lurking inside the US bureaucracy? Probably. Was he aware that he was a double agent? Yes. Was he intimately involved with the same men who would wind up getting Kennedy? Yes. Did he take a front job at that school book depository which was set up by these moles? Yes. But was he aware WHY he was told to work there? Probably not, at least not the real reason. Was he aware that he was going to be set up as the patsy? No. However, whether knowingly or not, was he a party to the plot? YES. Here we have a classic example of how someone could be part of a greater conspiracy without even knowing it.
With 9/11, a great example of this is the story with Sibel Edmonds.

Check here (http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2006/190106Edmonds.htm)

Basically she was hired as a translator for the FBI, and when she came upon some interesting documents which would help implicate Americans (and whoever else) over 9/11, she was fired (by the well positioned mole) and then gagged from there on out (by other well placed moles). So even though there are potentially people willing to speak out, the trickle down effect of having moles in dominant top positions in government thwarts these honorable efforts.
And if you want to point out to people how useless and oligarchy-dominated the "free" press is, just tell people that there hasn't been even ONE mainstream news article questioning the collapse of WTC7, a building which was not hit by anything and didn't nearly suffer enough peripheral damage to eventually collapse!! How can the entire national news media not have even ONE curious reporter in its midst?!?! Especially after it's been revealed in the PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, that the building's owner, Larry Silverstein, admitted to downing it with explosives ("we pulled the building")!!! Not **ONE** reporter thought this was newsworthy??? That's fekking RIDICULOUS!!!

Silverstein admission (http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept11/FDNY.htm)

What I don't get is why people see so much suspicious activity going on by teh federal government and don't find it all that strange. If I shoot a gun at someone and miss, I will be apprehended by authorities and a FULL THOROUGH IMMEDIATE investigation begins, over obvious charges of attempted murder. Yet when 3000+ people are soullessly slaughtered in broad daylight in the heart of downtown Manhattan, the federal government stalls the investigation into a MASS HOMICIDE for almost a year and a half! Of course in the meantime, the feds are hard at work destroying as much evidence as they can, and needlessly classifying pretty much whatever's left over (and on what grounds? National "Security"? Huh!). The excuse for not investigating is because the US government is too hard at work trying to stave off the terrorists (while Bush and friends STILL take MONTH LONG vacations!!!) And then when the feds finally cave in and appoint some silly commission (of course chaired by the FAA, NORAD, and various Congressmen, the very people who stand to lose the most if a real investigation is conducted), they invariably avoid anything which might cause peoples' minds to venture outside the official federal conspiracy theory (such as, there is not ONE mention of the collapse of WTC7 ANYWHERE in the whole commission's report! WTF?!), the change many facts about the day, and change many original statements made by various government officials.
What's sad and ludicrous is that most people don't find this to be suspicious. Most find the stalling of the "investigation" to be rather cold and shortsighted, but this doesn't really do much to raise peoples' collective eyebrows. Most don't find it odd that the feds spent so much energy on destroying the leftover WTC debris, probably some of the most precious forensic evidence in all of history! People argued that they "had" to get rid of all that metal, else they'd..yes, perhaps conduct actual thorough forensic examinations on the material to find out exactly WTF happened! And most attribute all the slippery last minute changing of the accounting of overall events as mere saving face, and not as covering up an enormous criminal plot.
But to sum it all up real quick (heehee), the biggest reason why people can't believe it is because of their ignorance of how politics today really is conducted (multinational corporations run by BIG moneyed families who bribe political officials into carrying out their self-serving criminal policies), and the collective ignorance of past recent events in history which have molded and culminated in the criminal insanity we have with us today.
Sad to say, most Americans STILL believe that the US government is on their side, fighting for their rights and beliefs. They couldn't possibly imagine that huge old fashioned moneyed families long ago decided that they wanted the world to be theirs, and theirs alone, and that they'd carry out any and every form of lies, theft, and murder in order to get what they want. Most can't imagine that there is a small group of overly powerful worldwide elites who wish to create a universal worldwide government of tyranny, which will control all peoples, and keep them bankrupted and enslaved to the elite's agenda, which always involves the procurement of ever more bits of property and money (and thus, political control).
Until enough people are willing to stand back and actually take seriously viewpoints and facts from a radically different angle, this elaborate racket will continue on..

04-04-2006, 11:14 PM
What's poppin Goatfish! Great article.

Here are some of my thoughts on it:

-I don't think you really call Cheney a 'mole' which infiltrated the system. He IS the system. Or at least part of it anyways, and it just so happend that with the victory of Bush in 2000, so many neo-cons were able to regain power- after all, Cheney was in charge of the transition and was able to recommend some of his old buddies. At least that's the way I see. Another way of looking at it is that the 'Bush Crime Family', through Dubya, was able to revitilize it's control over it's territory after the 2000 elections.

-And I think it is possible for all those politicians and media to all be duped. If the President (just a year after 9/11) and all the agencies all say the same thing, then it can be pretty hard to doubt them.

You seem to hit the nail on the head with this article you wrote.

04-04-2006, 11:32 PM
And on a side note it doesn't seem logically possible that -more or less- than 7 people could have pulled the 9/11 attacks.

Good Doctor HST
04-05-2006, 12:19 AM
I like some of the points you brought up Goatfish, especially how any average Joe, after some light research, would know that Iraq was a powerless entity after the Gulf War. It's telling that while Americans were terrified of a mushroom cloud, KUWAIT, a country once invaded by Iraq, wasn't afraid of Iraq and also vehemently against the current war.

04-05-2006, 02:10 AM
"-And I think it is possible for all those politicians and media to all be duped. If the President (just a year after 9/11) and all the agencies all say the same thing, then it can be pretty hard to doubt them."

No, that's being naive. These people study world economic/poltical policies for a living. I can find these things out without trying hard to look around. The people in Washington now are not idiots, they are VERY schooled, moneyed-connected, highly intelligent movers-n-shakers, who are much more aware than people like us, and have access to much more credible information, over peoples like us, who only have the vantage point of the free streets. Why can the average Joe on the street find very credible info on the true status of a country, and yet these "wondrous" politicians couldn't seem to find the time or nohow. And yet they take MONTH long vacations. How can someone dissapear for an entire month, while claiming there is no time to investigate a mass homicide???
After the first illegal Iraq invasion, the US left Iraq in ruins, economically, socially, militarily, etc. The US sanctioned the poop out of Iraq, and of course strangling a country's finances/resources ONLY hurts the guy on the street.
Saddam NEVER had to really starve. No matter who was getting dumped on, he still had his hookers, palaces, death squads, political control, sexified babes in hoola hoola outfits feeding him grapes while he swung around on a wool hammock..
Isn't it very strange how it is only the typical man in the street who keeps getting the brunt of all this terrror, while the people who these alleged terrorists keep complaining about, NEVER seem to get hit with the wrath which would seem to REALLY put some kind of stop to their criminal activities?
Notice how there's never any banks or gas stations which get terrorized? ONLY the average everyday person, merely doing something as criminal as going to work for the day. These "terrorists" thought it'd strike a harder blow wrecking two large office buildings, instead of demolishing the various travel channels which keep Manhattan breathing.
REAL terrorists wuld never have bothered with the showcasing theatricality which would have been required for 9/11.
Wanna know a real way to do it?
Gather together a group of about 5 to 10 thousand hopefuls. Arm them to the teeth with AK-47s, RPGs, grenades, pistols, knives, and household items (ajax, pinesol, motor oil). Gather up a handful of trucks. Pack them with explosives. Deploy two man teams. One to drive the explosives truck, the other to serve as the getaway car. The trucker drives the truck up to the pillar of the bridge, the part that anchors it to the ocean. He gets out and hops into the getaway car. They drive off, and the truck blows into smithereens. But, this same thing is done to every supporting beam of the bridge. All the beams of the bridge are blown up all at the same time. Even if this didn't take the bridge down, it'd caue enough structural damage that the bridge couldn't be used for years. Now just do this to every bridge that brings traffic into Manhattan, along with all the tunnels. THis would cut off all outside traffic from being able to get into Manhattan. This ALONE would destroy the NYC economy. Alongside that, have a group of guys with machine guns and grenades, walking along the streets of Manhattan, tossing multiple grenades down every stairwell leading down to the subways. Imagine two to five grenade explosions going off throughout those connecting stations, where only fifty to a hundred people traffic through every 30 seconds. And the leftover people trying to escape being randomly gunned down with automatic weapons.
Then have 5000 thugs armed to the TEETH with AK-47s, RPGs, grenades, gasoline, knives, chemical/biological agents carry out a mass infiltration/destruction operation against Wall Street. Run in there with 100 men firing off machine guns in every direction possible. You'd have hundreds of people dead in less than 5 minutes. Then once the place is evacuated, destroy all the equipment which processes the transactions. This would SHUT DOWN Wall Street. Think THIS might get people fidgety? Now on top of it all, bomb banks and gas stations. Bomb every Exxon/Mobile gas station in New York State. Do the same for a big bank, like Citigroup or Chase Manhattan. That'll get much more intelligence effort put behind it, over the staged "hunt" for Osama bin Patsy

04-05-2006, 02:35 AM
Thanks dude! Feedback is always great. But I think that Cheney actually is a mole. He has been falsely presented as the guy who "really" runs the white house, when in fact he's just another subjugated whore himself. But what's unique about a creature like him is that he has no problem whatsoever in serving out that role. He seems to actually LOVE it, and it seems to provide him with this megalomaniacal intoxication. One only needs to take a hard look into his eyes while he gives some hotheaded speech, to see the impish twinkle along with his typical grotesque leer.
He has no problem with whatever happens, because he'll profit and push his influence further greatly, no matter what agenda he's asked to support for the oligarchy..

04-05-2006, 05:12 PM
Regarding whether certain politicians were duped or not:

-Obviously some of them are briefed on top secret info have have sources inside the govnt, but most of that info they're getting comes from the Executive Branch. And the President has control over the agencies and as we all know, Bush and his buddies maniuplated the intel. Now call me crazy but I really don't think that the majority of politicians in Congress study the issues above & beyond and see info like that seen on the YBBS. I'd imagine that all they'll ever know on most issues come from memos and letters which are provided to them by people who work for they system. But do I think there are people in Congress who knowingly knew Saddam wasnt a threat and supported the war, of course!

Regarding Cheney being a 'mole':

Now what do you mean by that? A mole for who? The idea that Bush is a slacker brought in to win the election and Cheney is doing all the work makes perfect sense to me. After all, he ran for president before and lost, and has also been a very influential figure in foriegn policy for decades. But now that he's the VP, and the real President just happens to be a slacker, he gets to make all the decisions.

04-06-2006, 05:45 PM
I'm aware that politicians get access to info and things that the public cannot. But this means nothing, because all the info on Iraq which clearly showed that it was not a threat to pretty much anyone was and still is freely available to anyone who seeks it. It's not locked up in some secret government vault. That's why I want to spit in the Democrats' faces when they make that sorry claim. If **I** can find out this info, then surely they can too. It's not a question of information, it's a question of being bought off.
Notice how every election the Democrats hold back and never attack, always acting afraid to step too far out into the open? Think this is by accident, or mere timidity? Or is it more likely that these people have been bought off?
And if they can't even take some time to go over something as important as whether the US should go to war, then they're clearly not fit to hold office and should be tossed out on their asses.

Cheney is a mole for the greater oligarchical network. This network is essentially a conglomeration of old fashioned moneyed families (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Harrimans, etc.) who are seeking to take over the whole world by creating an elaborate secret government along with a secret army which helps to carry out its bidding. The aim is to denationalize and balkanize the entire world into smaller pieces which will be easier to control. We're seeing a fantastic example of this in Iraq, with the splitting up of a once former whole country into three factions who are busy killing each other while the US, Israel, and Britain continue to run off with all the loot and oil.
To get back to my point, this secret network looks to install criminals into high level positions in governments and media, who act as moles, or infiltrated proxies, who then carry out the bidding of the network.
For example, this oligarchical network wanted 9/11 in order to help devolve America into a police state, while simultaneously using the US military as proxy army for the new world order (America is currently at war with two countries which have nothing to do with American interests). However, something like 9/11 could never happen without help from the inside (for instance, the NORAD stand down, or the rigging of the WTC complex with explosives). So this network installs people into positions where they can do what is necessary to help carry out the crime. Judith Miller is a great example of a media mole. Before her and Jayson Blair, most people greatly respected the New York Times. So when she put out articles, many people took them very seriously. While Cheney was pulling political strings, she was helping to mold public opinion.
It's funny that many people think of Cheney as the "real president". In reality he's just as much a puppet as Bush is. He simply carries out the orders of his handlers, that is, the real powerbrokers who I mentioned above. If we could somehow get a transparent view of the pecking order of the world's elite, you'd find that Cheney is just another player out there and isn't the powerful genius he is typically seen as..

04-07-2006, 10:58 PM
Very intersting points goatfish. Were did you learn all this? And why is your name 'goatfish'?

04-09-2006, 01:37 AM
Very intersting points goatfish. Were did you learn all this? And why is your name 'goatfish'?

Thanks. As far as my views about what's happened to the Democrats, I learned a lot about what's happened to them through a Larouche publication called, as corny as it sounds, Children of Satan.


I am not what you'd call a Larouchie, but I've found this info to be extremely informative and rich in detail about a lot of behind the scenes political networking and manipulation. I am not a sales rep for this pac, but if you're interested I'd definitely say it's worth the 15 bucks.
I am convinced based on my own observations and theorizing, that there is a big conspiracy on the part of the Democrats to get rid of their own party. They are doing this by constantly pretending to be afraid to say or do anything different, and allowing themselves to appear weak, ineffectual, and spineless. Bush clearly has done so many illegal impeachable things, and yet we hear nothing from the Democrats, even with public support for the Bush administration at all time lows and staying there. Hence, the Dems are in on it, as a subtle way to turn the US government into a one party government, which really means a no party government, or dictatorship.
And it does feel like were being dictated to nowadays, doesn't it? Bush always dictates to us what he feels like doing or what law he feels like instamatically doing away with. There is no public voice in government, people don't get to challenge the government on a direct level. We have to pray that the Democrats will go after him. We have no say in the matter, and thus no power over our own country anymore.

As for 9/11, if you haven't read this book I really recommend it. It's the best book on 9/11 I've read to date.

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0930852311/sr=8-1/qid=1144559570/ref=pd_bbs_1/103-1522279-5795814?%5Fencoding=UTF8)

I'm currently reading that same author's book on Bush (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0930852923/ref=pd_sim_b_2/103-1522279-5795814?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155), which of course is rather unflattering to Bush Sr. It dicusses how his father, Prescott Bush, was set up by George Walker, Prescott's in-law (who Bush Sr. and Jr. are named after) running investments which got channeled to Adolf Hitler's money manager, Fritz Thyssen. Prescott Bush basically was a major financial backer of Hitler and the Nazis. This is how the Bushies made their original money. It's the money that Bush Sr. inherited, just as his son has inherited what he was given. It discusses his role in so many scandals (Bay of Pigs, Watergate, Nam, China, CIA, and behind the scene networks) and has been very illuminating as to what might have really gone down with a lot of conspiracies which have never seemed to be fully revealed.
In each of these books is discussed families of old money who always seem to be around. With their money and connections these people continue to monopolize more and more control over things. That is a part that seems really fascinating to me, how this criminal element has evolved over time. Because to me these people seem like the greatest criminals on earth.

I think Cheney is a mole because he's so visible. The people that seem to really pull the strings are the ones we never see. I'll bet that if there were a way to reveal the identities of all these people, we'd find that we don't recognize many of them. Cheney is a gofer, a bagman, an intermediary. Basically he's not much more than a mafia soldier, who carries out what Tony Soprano wants.

As for the US being used as proxy army on behalf of other interests, if you look at what the public gets told about reasons for war, the real reasons always turn out to be different. The US has been couched since WWII as the peaceful army that polices the injustices around the world. But the real intent always seems to be theft of land and/or resources, and the dividing up or destruction of a people, economy, or political structure. When you think about it, who has the US really liberated all these years? Not Vietnam, not Korea, not Somalia, not Yugoslavia, not Iraq, not Iran, not..

The goatfish thingy is because I'm a Capricorn. The sign for a Capricorn is a half goat attached to half a fish. It also kinda has a wacky sound to it which makes people typically say to themselves, "what the hell is a 'goatfish'?!" That brings me secret laughter, cuz I'm half fuckin nuts!! :)

04-09-2006, 04:43 PM
Another great post! (I feel like I'm kissing your ass now)

I'm got's ta check out that book 9/11 Systematic Terror.

And when you say Cheney is a 'mole', do you mean for the Halliburton's and the Ken Lay's, or are you refering to families and people along the lines of the NWO or things of that nature?

04-10-2006, 12:38 AM
You don't need to feel shy. I always love ass play! :smellfing

Cheney is a mole in the sense that he is an agent installed on behalf of some party, who then surreptitiously carries out secret interests. I believe that powerful people get in contact with people in government and industry, and seek to spread their tentacles, or various business interests, through them. They try to own these peoples' lives, so they can't get away from them or try to expose them. They typically hook them in through blackmail or intimidation.
Cheney, like Delay, and so many others, have been tweaked and well crafted over a long period of time. Their real political ambition was only half theirs, with the real push behind their insane seeming lusts for more power being driven by the invisible network, or NWO, Illuminati, globalists, etc. Delay was another mole, who served his masters well. He successfully gerrymandered and lobbied the Democrats out of the government, which went alongside the Democrats' overall standown.
This is actually another great example of how only a few moles are needed to be real effective. While Delay sucks the Democrats dry financially, Kerry, and Clinton, and Lieberman, and whoever else just sit idly by, watching the Bush admin commit one crime after the next, and doing nothing substantial to reclaim their party. You don't need to buy everyone off. Just strip the party of its finances, and then make sure its leaders are ready to sell out. Then the rest of the party will be left with nothing: no money and no leadership.
I think Halliburton and the Ken Lays are intimately connected in the overall web of conspiracy. But as scary as it seems, they're most likely not the really big players. They're just the ones that have received a lot of exposure in the press. There are probably many businesses, especially subsidiary businesses, which seem to act as peripheral agents (one company builds the cafeteria while the other supplies the food; one company sucks out the oil, the other provides security detail), which have a much more powerful influence over political events.

That's cool that you want to pick up the book. It is well worth the read. You can even see by the reviews on amazon.com. I agree with the reviewers there, the book illuminates a lot of things I had not thought previously.

04-10-2006, 04:26 PM
Assuming what you just said was all true....that's some serious, serious, serious, shit.

On a side note, it's ironic how the Bush Crime Family got there loot from the Nazi party and now they're so closely aligned with the Israeli's and the Jewish lobby. My how times have changed.