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03-28-2006, 01:41 PM
alright, I have been reading up on this 9-11 cover-up situation a lot lately. I remember almost immediately after 9-11 hearing some people in europe say that the government was somehow involved and thinking to myself 'this guy is freaking crazy'. About a year later I started reading more and more theories, when the commission report finally came out the net was ablaze with the amount of contradictions in the report. Something is certainly not right with the governments account. I just have two questions -and please do not get me wrong, I am a believer but there are two things I can't wrap my mind around....
1. When watching the towers collapse you see the top 30 or so floors falling onto the floors where the plane crashed. Thus no cutter charges in those top floors. How could the government know exactly where the planes would hit?

2. If the government did plan 9-11 or had a hand in it, simply learned of the coming event and took advantage of it (controlled demolition), this would obviously take a lot of planning (think tanks). Now if the government wanted to invade iraq prior to 9-11 and wanted use 9-11 to bolster support for invading 9-11, why wouldn't they leave some kind of trail that lead back to iraq? This could be anything be it hijackers, funding, etc...

Now as for the first question I am not a demolition expert, so perhaps its possible that the put charges all the way up to the top and were able to bypass them once they saw where the planes hit, I don't know
thanks for any help on this though

03-28-2006, 03:02 PM
1. When watching the towers collapse you see the top 30 or so floors falling onto the floors where the plane crashed. Thus no cutter charges in those top floors. How could the government know exactly where the planes would hit?

You're talking about when the building falls over at the top? Notice how it doesn't fall over, but the underbelly gives way? How is that possible that the underbelly could fall fast enough to make sure the top doesn't topple over? I don't know everything there is to know about demolitions either, and it's not my strong suit...

2. If the government did plan 9-11 or had a hand in it, simply learned of the coming event and took advantage of it (controlled demolition), this would obviously take a lot of planning (think tanks). Now if the government wanted to invade iraq prior to 9-11 and wanted use 9-11 to bolster support for invading 9-11, why wouldn't they leave some kind of trail that lead back to iraq? This could be anything be it hijackers, funding, etc...

That's the second time I've seen this question in the last couple of days.

To be fair... we don't know all of the answers, especially all of the hows and whys.

However, if you remember, by 12 o'clock that day, Rumsfeld was asking his subordinates to "sweep it up", and "go massive"... they were picking and choosing then who they wanted to attack. They didn't have to create a trail. They had the media do it for them.

03-28-2006, 03:26 PM
Good questions - these are simply my speculations...

1. Are you sure there were no cutter charges in the top 30 floors? The support columns (which are in the center of the building) could have been severed, you wouldn't neccessarily have to see the cutter charges. This was in an earlier thread, where we argued that 2 explosive systems must have been present - an internal system severing the main core columns, and an external - to create the giant dust cloud, so it wouldn't look like a clean demolition - like WTC 7. We're no experts here, but if you check out some other controlled demolitions, they are fairly clear of smoke clouds until they completely collpase. I think its a pretty fair statement to make, but has not been elborated on by professionals.

- and yea, any complex sequence of explosives was entirely possible, and with a mission this crucial, im sure they took every precaution to sell it as a collapse.

2. We can't know exactly but consider this - they invaded, didn't they? At the time, the whole country was behind it and Bush's approval rating was in the 90-100%. They were drunk with power, and didn't have to do much to convince us to go to war. So - they didn't do much - just a forged document and some blurry aerial photos worked just fine. Wars that drag on always lose support. They are still in office for a second term. Seems like they were pretty successful to me. They have more power than ever. Despite leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that this heavily cencored movement has picked up on, 9/11 and the subsequent wars were carried out with military precision and they are to this day, calling the shots.

03-28-2006, 03:33 PM
"You're talking about when the building falls over at the top? Notice how it doesn't fall over, but the underbelly gives way? How is that possible that the underbelly could fall fast enough to make sure the top doesn't topple over?"

very true indeed, one would imagine some kind of hang up on the 47 core beams to cause a very 'ugly' collapse. It would be interesting to find more information on how these charges work in terms of interconnecting.

your reply to my second question - yeah I just saw that question posted elsewhere, I guess an event of this magnitude backed by the media could easily sway the masses to follow any route set before them.

03-28-2006, 05:41 PM
as for your first question, it would appear in videos that the buildings had explosives all the way to the top. so, it wouldn't matter where the jets hit. the buildings could be simulated to collapse from any point.