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03-17-2006, 06:48 PM
Damnit I wish I could be there!!! Attend if you can:

Press Contacts:
Bill Lessard
PRwithBrains for Hicks for Senate
(914) 476-6089

Les Jamieson
(917) 658-0132


Green Party Senatorial Candidate Sander Hicks, and NY911Truth.org: Spitzer Must Respond to our “Citizens’ Indictment” and Charges of “Obstruction of Justice”

New York, NY, March 17, 2006—New York Green Party senatorial candidate Sander Hicks and 9/11 activist group NY911Truth.org today announced that they will jointly organize a public protest to allow State Attorney General and New York state gubernatorial hopeful Eliot Spitzer to respond to charges of “obstruction of justice” in connection with an inquiry into evidence allegedly suppressed by the 9/11 Commission. Attorneys for 9/11 Truth will present the Attorney General with a “Citizens’ Indictment” for criminal negligence in failing to investigate the attacks.

DATE: Wed., March 22nd, 2006
TIME: 12 pm–2 p.m.
LOCATION: 120 Broadway (between Pine & Cedar Streets)
2 p.m. demonstration at Ground Zero
4 p.m. demonstration at Wall St. & Broadway

The protest comes as a result of activist outreach work at Ground Zero and the 9/11 Info Resource Series at St. Marks Church. Another catalyst was a February 15th New York Post story which reported that the State Attorney General forbade any member of his staff from cooperating with a February 2006 Congressional investigation into Able Danger, a Pentagon terrorist-tracking operation that apparently knew about the activities of 9/11 leader Mohamed Atta in early 2000, yet neither acted on this information nor saw their testimony to the 9/11 Commission included in the official 9/11 Commission Report.

At a Democratic fundraiser last week, Mr. Spitzer further angered 9/11 truth-seekers by refusing to engage the questions of a group of 9/11 victims, concerned citizens, and activists led by Green candidate for Senate Sander Hicks. In lieu of providing answers, he instead directed the group to contact his office during normal business hours, only to ignore all their subsequent inquiries.

“It was the perfect moment for him to set the record straight,” said Hicks. “There were several news crews present; he was facing a very vocal assembly of people passionate about uncovering the full truth of what happened on 9/11. All he had to do was tell his side, but he refused, flat-out, and has yet to return any of our phone calls.”

“Anyone who has even casually wondered what we haven’t been told about September 11th should take Spitzer’s actions as a big red flag,” added Les Jamieson, Northeast Program Coordinator for 911Truth.org and local NYC organizer. “If Mr. Spitzer wants to continue to represent the citizens of this state, particularly as governor, he should grace us with a response. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like that is going to happen without mass public action.
The conflict between 9/11 truth-seekers and Attorney General Spitzer began in Summer 2004 when, just before the RNC, a Zogby poll reported that 66 percent of New York state wanted Eliot Spitzer to mount an independent investigation into the 9/11 attacks. NY911Truth.org is certain Spitzer was aware of this because they hand-delivered a "Citizens' Complaint & Petition" to Spitzer's office shortly thereafter. This document contains detailed questions about the crimes of 9/11 which remain unanswered after 4 1/2 years, as well as specific damages suffered by victims of the attacks.
“How could it be,” continued Jamieson, “that Spitzer, who has won accolades for his successful legal actions against Wall St. financial institutions engaging in fraud, has acted to suppress information that would reveal what happened on 9/11? In the names of the victims, we demand to know why he chose not to bring the full power of his office to investigate and expose every detail leading to the truth of what happened that horrific day?”
“It seems clear that there is a bipartisan breakdown in any real desire to respond to concerns about 9/11 issues,” said Hicks. “Between the actions of Republicans in Iraq and the indifference of Democrats like Spitzer right here in New York, I urge all New Yorkers and anyone who could possibly be in New York on March 22nd to join us in our protest as we officiallyand publiclycharge Attorney General Spitzer with ‘obstruction of justice.’”
About NY911Truth.Org NY911Truth.Org is a local NYC-based campaign, which is part of a national movement to educate the public about the Sept. 11th cover-up and inspire popular pressure to overturn the "incompetence theory" and expose the truth surrounding the events of 9/11; namely, that elements within the U.S. government were complicit for the attacks to happen as they did. NY911Truth.Org holds weekly outreach events on Saturdays at Ground Zero from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, and runs the 9/11 Info Resource Series at St. Marks Church, 2nd Avenue & 10th Street in the East Village. For more on their activities, see www.ny911truth.org. The parent organization, 911Truth.Org, provides media, educational and organizing materials; plans actions around key events in the calendar, and invites others to unite in simultaneous actions across the country, in the hope of reaching a tipping point in November, or sooner. The campaign's role is not to command, but to inspire and encourage current and potential 9/11 Truth activists to voluntarily join a powerful chorus. For more information, and to find out how you can get involved, visit


About Sander Hicks Sander Hicks is one of the most colorful media activists of his generation. He has appeared on HBO/Cinemax numerous times over the past couple of years in the independent publishing saga, “Horns and Halos,” which documents Hicks’s heroic attempts to get the truth out about G.W. Bush. His new book, The Big Wedding (Vox Pop, 2005), breaks new ground on the little-known history that lead to 9/11, and on the US intelligence whistle-blowers who tried to stop it. Hicks has written on 9/11 for the Long Island Press, New York Press, and INN World Report Television (FSTV, Dish Network). From 2001-2002, he worked as an anti-poverty activist for UPSERJ, on Long Island. In 1996, he founded Soft Skull Press, Inc. He was recently elected, in a landslide, to lead the Cortelyou Road Merchants Association, in Flatbush, Brooklyn. There, with his wife Holley Anderson, he runs Vox Pop/DKMC a media company, bookstore, and coffeehouse. Hicks and Anderson are proud parents of their son, Coleman. http://www.hicksforsenate.com.

About Vox Pop Vox Pop/DKMC is a new publishing company with an exciting retail storefront in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn. Founded by indie publisher Sander Hicks, and retail coffee veteran Holley Anderson, Vox Pop publishes essential non-fiction and gathers the people together around “Books, Coffee, Democracy” in their space on Cortelyou Road. For more info, visit http://www.voxpopnet.net .

03-17-2006, 07:53 PM
wish i could go also. i will be attending the Chicago conference in June though. :)

03-17-2006, 10:46 PM
Chicago eh!!! I could possibly make that...

03-17-2006, 11:16 PM
Jones is going to be there.

03-18-2006, 12:05 AM
well, when it get's closer to June, we should get cell phone numbers so we can hook up when we get there. chat n stuff

03-22-2006, 03:20 PM
The editor of TvNewsLIES will be with Les Jamieson today at the scheduled events. One of the things they do, wherever they appear to make the public aware of the 9/11 cover up...is to give out FREE copies of LOOSE CHANGE 2.

Dylan Avery, who made the film, has given his okay to burn and distribute copies of this VERY IMPORTANT dvd that will convince anyone, anywhere that the official version of 9/11 is a crock of crap. We've given it out at recruiting centers and at police and firefighting departments and just everywhere. So far, so good.

You can google to see where you can download a free copy or buy one on the web to support Avery and the sites that sponsor the truth. Just do it. Walk in the street and hand them out. People will take freebies....just try it...and they'll go home and watch.....

That's how the truth gets out.

03-22-2006, 05:43 PM
Wake up and smell the jet fuel:whip2:

i recently watched the Flight 800 crash on the Hitler...errrr...i mean History Channel, and their contention was that it might have been a "terrorist" attack. Ruling out the military manuvers in the area at the time, AND the 200 eyewitness accounts of seeing missles PLURAL hitting the plane, the FBI and NTSB still maintains that it was a fuel tank explosion!!!

Practice makes perfect?