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02-27-2006, 04:21 PM
Worse Than Orwell Could Imagine


By: Schuyler Ebbets

It is abundantly clear now that the Bush Administration does not represent the best interests of the American people, that it is merely a puppet of corporate America, that it attained power unethically and illegally, that it has used that power to ruin the economy, devastate the environment, threaten the survival of the earth, steal from the poor in order to give to the rich, that it has involved America in two unjust, costly and unnecessary wars over oil, that it either allowed 9/11 to happen or caused it to happen, in order to better carry out its right wing agenda, that it is supported by a corrupt, lying and evil media, that it is the greatest threat to peace and prosperity in the world today and that the sooner the neocons are removed from power, the better for us all.

With all of the sinister revelations about this corrupt and murderous regime there is of course hope that "truth and justice will prevail", and Bush's great monsterous house of bloody cards will come crashing down under the staggering weight of war crimes, crimes committed against their own country, humanity, and the earth.

But we should not become too hopefull that truth and justice will prevail against this gang. Consider another scenario which was outlined in the prophetic novel '1984', written by George Orwell. In the world that he describes, which our world resembles more and more with each passing day, there was no hope that - truth and justice would prevail. Humanity was completely subdued and controlled in every aspect of their hellish slave like existences.

In Orwell's concept of the future Oceania was at constant "never ending war" with Eastasia while Eurasia was Oceania's ally. The war created wealth and power for a secretive few at the top of a power structure completely hidden from 99.99% of the population. This system built on war and death also provided the people with work while preventing overpopulation.

To a great degree Orwell has been accurate about humanity's future, but he has made one small error. Instead of communism or socialism being the political ideology which would dominate humanity, it has turned out to be military industrialism and capitalism and it may actually be a more brutal and horrific future than even Orwell could have imagined.

Orwell describes an extreme communist society in which the people are kept isolated from each other in tiny apartments monitored by tellascreens. Humanity is utterly controlled night and day by an all powerful state which cares for its slaves from cradle to grave.

In the nightmarish corporate fascist hell state that is now unfolding before us, a tiny gang of military industrialist capitalists sitting atop the power structure are both having their cake and eating it too. Unlike the socialist model which was obsessed with both the care and welfare of it's slaves, and the conservation of state resources, the corporate capitalists are bound by no such allegiance towards human life or animal life or the environment and their entire profit driven system is built on waste and consumption.

Fascist corporatists have only disdain for the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights which obstruct their ability to make profits, gain power, and enslave the masses. The right wing, the republicans, would like to be 'free' to exploit and grind down their fellow human beings and the Eco system unhindered by such liberal and outmoded ideas as saving the environment for the next generation or, 'peace'.

As the radical robber baron right loots the American peoples Social Security trust fund dry and eliminates every veterans benefit and social program that has ever been established for the American people, they are also killing off the loved ones of thousands of American families in their "never ending" wars based on lies.

In our brave new corporate capitalist survival of the fittest 'animal-law' world, the state will no longer exist to serve and provide for the people. The state will exist only as an arm of repression and control to be used against the people by the corporate.

Their plan is to kill off the poor in senseless wars fought for power and profit. In the future world that our neocon friends are making for us, nothing will be given back to the people, just as nothing is given back to cattle on a corporate cattle farm. They are controlled exploited and eliminated as efficiently and cheaply as possible, maximizing profits and minimizing waste. Only in this way are the neocons truly conservative.

© Copyright 2/26/06 by S.Ebbets. This article is posted on thepeoplesvoice.org Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title remains unchanged.