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02-26-2006, 06:27 PM
But now I'm convinced the govn't used explosives to blow the levees in New Olreans. Reason being, I was watching Bill Maher's show and they talked about how the French Quarter with all the rich people is still perfectly fine (they didn't talk about the conspiracy though). So it all makes sense with the witnesses and people who say bombs went off where the levees were. And that it was meant to get rid of the poor people so that new investments could be made in the area and the govn't would have an excuse to once again give billions away to there friends. And notice how the people still arne't being helped even though congress passed a lot of money for them.

Oh, and the delayed resposnse by the White House could have been intentional to make sure the people were driven out. Just a thoery.

02-26-2006, 09:41 PM
I saw something on tv yesterday. They were covering Mardi Gras on the news showing the floats and all. I noticed one very interesting thing, no black people, not one.

02-27-2006, 01:13 AM
Looks like the plan worked.

02-27-2006, 02:22 PM
I saw something on tv yesterday. They were covering Mardi Gras on the news showing the floats and all. I noticed one very interesting thing, no black people, not one.

I just seen a report on Irish telly, and you're right - not a single black person did I see either on the floats or in the crowd. That is shocking.

02-27-2006, 04:21 PM
American media only shows black people when the are trying to make up stories about racist hurricanes, other than a big race issue they can't score ratings with them so they leave them out of the shot.

That crazy media! It cares about no one but itself.

Didn't the mayor declare it would be a black city when they rebuild?

02-27-2006, 04:32 PM
From Democracy Now (http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/02/27/1519228)

Katrina Evacuees Blocked From Voting at Out-of-State Satellite Polling Sites
In news on Hurricane Katrina, a federal judge has ruled against a request for the state of Louisiana to create out-of-state satellite polling places for evacuees temporarily living outside of Louisiana. New Orleans is scheduled to hold a primary election on April 22. The Washington-based Advancement Project called the ruling a blow for Katrina survivors. In a statement the group said "The effect of this adverse ruling means that more than 100,000 people, predominantly people of color, will have to use absentee ballots... With evacuees being forced to move from location to location the likelihood that an absentee ballot will even reach them is dramatically reduced."

Texas Officials Warn Half of Katrina Evacuees Have No Health Insurance
In other Katrina news, officials in Texas are reporting the state is facing a health crisis because nearly half of the 50,000 evacuees living in Houston have no health insurance. Most of the evacuees had been covered by a special Medicaid waiver but that waiver expired at the end of January.