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View Full Version : Six Months!!!!!!!!!!! For pouring blood protest

01-23-2006, 06:42 PM
Burns sentenced to six months in prison

Daniel Burns, 45, of Ithaca, one of four people who poured their blood in a military recruiting office to protest war with Iraq, was sentenced to six months in prison today in U.S. District Court in Binghamton. He was taken into custody immediately.

Burns was convicted last fall of damaging government property and trespassing, misdemeanors. Three other protesters in the incident are scheduled to be sentenced later this week by Judge Thomas J. McAvoy.

In addition, Burns was fined $250 for contempt of court and ordered to pay a portion of the $958 cleanup costs at the military recruiting station in Lansing in Tompkins County.

Burns and the other three poured blood on the walls and doors of the recruiting office on March 17, 2003.