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01-12-2006, 09:16 PM
Robertson apologizes to Sharon's son for remarks


(Gold9472: Hmmmm... he sure does have to apologize an AWFUL lot doesn't he?)

12 Jan 2006 22:27:06 GMT

WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson has apologized for suggesting Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine punishment for Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip.

In a letter to Sharon's son, Omri, the controversial U.S. evangelist sought forgiveness for saying last week on his "700 Club" television show that Sharon was "dividing God's land and I would say woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course."

"My zeal, my love of Israel and my concern for the future safety of your nation led me to make remarks which I can now view in retrospect as inappropriate and insensitive in light of a national grief experienced because of your father's illness," Robertson said in the letter, dated on Wednesday.

Sharon, 77, suffered a massive stroke last week and has been fighting for his life since.

Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate with a history of controversial statements, said in the letter that "I ask your forgiveness and the forgiveness of the people of Israel for saying what was clearly insensitive at the time."

In response to Robertson's initial remarks, Israeli Tourism Minister Avraham Hirschson said on Wednesday that Robertson would not be involved in a planned $48 million Christian Heritage Center on the shore of the biblical Sea of Galilee in Israel.

01-13-2006, 06:31 PM
Robertson wants his Bibleland built in time for the rapture so he can have front seat. he will mos def kiss tons of ass to get the land consessions.

01-13-2006, 06:52 PM
Robertson wants his Bibleland built in time for the rapture so he can have front seat. he will mos def kiss tons of ass to get the land consessions.

You know what dude... if there was a God who allowed Pat Robertson into Heaven, I would denounce that God quicker than you can read this sentence.

01-13-2006, 07:50 PM
these people are the reason i don't call myself christian anymore...false prophets who feed on the meek and poor instead of helping them, those who wage war instead of peace, those who seek destruction instead of creation. they give Christianity a bad name....but then again, so did the Nazi's.

which is why i've kinda lost my faith...anyone can use his name as justification for their cause...once they invoke some all powerful entity, anyone who goes against their cause is the going against God.

no one should be allowed to monopolize God without rebuke from every person of faith

01-13-2006, 08:03 PM
I agree.