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View Full Version : Ray McGovern explains why DNI position is a bad, bad idea.

12-26-2005, 12:20 PM

My favorite bit from this transcript;

...and when Jim Schlesinger came on board as the DCI, he convened the senior managers, I was not yet a senior manager, but I remember when they came back sort of ashen faced, and told us on staff, first thing Schlesinger said, ‘Look you guys, I don’t want you to misunderstand why I’m here, I’m here to see that you don’t screw Richard Nixon. And I don’t report to Henry Kissinger as my predecessors would have… I report to Bob Haldeman. Now you think about that, go back, and we’ll see if we can work together.’

So politicization my friends, is not new, it depends on the person who is either willing or unwilling to politicize.