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12-07-2005, 02:31 PM
Despite Rep. Curt Weldon's many faults, (i.e. Rev. Moon (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3944/is_200405/ai_n9396558)), he latched onto something much bigger than himself when he stumbled over Able Danger. (http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/10/25/13223/557)

The idea that the DIA found out about Atta's activities a full year before the 9/11 Commission will acknowledge it may seem outlandish to some people. However, the idea is not only put forth by the DIA whistleblowers, but is corroborated with independent research by author, Peter Lance. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060543558/qid=1133969784/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/002-1846734-2998444?n=507846&s=books&v=glance)

Peter Lance's research leads him to conclude that the origins of the 9/11 plot extend back even farther, to 1994. Lance argues that the origins of the 9/11 plot are purposefully covered up by the 9/11 Commission. By blurring the start date of the 9/11 plot it makes it impossible to pin blame on a specific time period, and therefore; specific individuals in the intelligence community, distorting issues of accountability.

He made the above claim, and went further, on Lou Dobbs Tonight, (Dec. 5, 2005. (http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0512/05/ldt.01.html)), saying that he had a source inside the Commission itself;

DOBBS: You can't hold them accountable, but you can't also hold what would be effectively the Bush administration, (Bush I), the Clinton administration, and the current Bush presidency accountable either, can you?

LANCE: No, exactly. And I think that -- I had a source inside the commission, I met with him every single week, Lou, from -- from the fall of '03 into the spring of '04. He told me they were cherry - picking evidence on both sides of the aisle. They had agreed -- and these are Democrats and Republicans -- prior to going forward with the commission, had agreed to limit the investigation to the last few years, from '96 forward.

Where as I've shown in my two books that the FBI's New York office, the bin Laden office of origin, had the al Qaeda cell, that did the first bombing, on their radar as early as the summer of '89, when Bush 41 was in the White House.

Then, they could have stopped Ramzi Yousef. I proved this in my book. In the fall of '92, going into early '93, just when Clinton was taking over, prior to the first bombing.

What needs to be recognized is that the 9/11 Commission, IS A WHITEWASH. This view is shared by Lance.

Something is being covered up, it may be as simple as the intelligence community doing CYA, or it could be infinitely worse. (http://reprehensor.gnn.tv/blogs/10888/Webster_Griffin_Tarpley_on_Synthetic_Terror_Pt_1)

The first step with dealing with a problem is acknowledging that there's a problem.

Weldon now has 246 signatures on his letter to Rumsfeld, (http://curtweldon.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=37076) (who is currently in charge of the agency which is blocking the DIA whistlebowers). The letter demands open hearings into Able Danger. The letter has been signed by many Democratic Congressmen, including:

John Murtha, John P. (D-PA)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
Rush Holt (D-NJ)
Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)
Robert Wexler (D-FL)

Plus 94 others.

By encouraging your Congressman to get involved, you can help ensure that the Able Danger investigation is truly bi-partisan, not what former CIA analyst Mel Goodman (http://www.gnn.tv/B10410) would call "balanced partisanship", which leads nowhere.

If the concept that the 9/11 Commission is a failure is new to you, I encourage you to read some of this testimony, (thank you, Cynthia McKinney);

Cynthia McKinney - July 22nd, 2005

Lorie Van Auken - July 22nd, 2005

Mel Goodman - July 22nd, 2005

Paul Thompson - July 22nd, 2005

Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed - July 22nd, 2005

Anne Norton - July 22nd, 2005

Peter Dale Scott - July 22nd, 2005