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View Full Version : Wikipedia Gets Swift Boated

11-29-2005, 07:09 PM
Wikipedia gets Swift Boated


John Byrne

The upside of an open-source encyclopedia is that anyone can provide detailed information. The downside of an open-source encyclopedia is that anyone can provide detailed information.

This became readily apparent when a aquiline-eyed reader noticed that Swift Boating was defined as "accurate and truthful," and that Cindy Sheehan was dubbed a "left wing moonbat."

The entry has since been changed. Click here to see how it appeared this morning.

Since the entry was highlighted by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo this morning, the entry has been wholly rewritten, declaring the Swift Boat Veterans' claims to be spurious. The page now says that it has been "temporarily protected from editing to deal with vandalism."

Howard Dean "deserves to be swift-boated," the entry this morning read. The entry said that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth "revealed [Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)] to be untruthful in the representation of his military record."

The Swift Boats were funded by the biggest Republican campaign donor in Texas and pushed what turned out to be an unfounded claim that Kerry lied to get one of his two decorations for bravery and two of his three purple hearts.