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11-19-2005, 01:56 AM
GOP calls for ethics investigation into Iraq war critic



Republican lawmakers say that ties between Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and his brother’s lobbying firm, KSA Consulting, may warrant investigation by the House ethics committee, ROLL CALL reports Friday. Excerpts.

The calls come as Murtha, a former Marine and pro-military Democrat, has made headlines this week by coming out in support of a rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

According to a June 13 article in The Los Angeles Times, the fiscal 2005 defense appropriations bill included more than $20 million in funding for at least 10 companies for whom KSA lobbied. Carmen Scialabba, a longtime Murtha aide, works at KSA as well.

KSA directly lobbied Murtha’s office on behalf of seven companies, and a Murtha aide told a defense contractor that it should retain KSA to represent it, according to the LA Times.

11-19-2005, 02:09 AM
You know the thing that kills me the most about this. They are playing politics. Both the Democrats, and the Republicans, and using our soldiers as a chess piece.

The Democrats knew what the hell was going on. They had to. I went to a war rally before the war even started where people were talking about "No War For Oil", and "Dick Cheney And Halliburton Must Go"... if a bunch of protesters knew what was going on, I can almost GUARANTEE the people who actually work in Washington D.C. knew a helluva lot more.

They were just as guilty as the Republicans in getting us into this war. It was a "tag team" effort. The Democrats, and the Republicans initially voted to give the President the authority to invade, and then the President used that authority, and did just that.

BOTH sides of the isle have a part to play in the Iraq War. Now they're just playing politics to cover their own asses, and using the soldiers as pawns.

11-19-2005, 02:27 AM
I'm not quite convinced it was a "tag team" effort. Congress was basing there judgment on info manipulated by the Bush Adminstration. There' no way of really knowing whether or not dems knew the info was false or went along with it or were duped.

11-19-2005, 09:48 AM
I'm not quite convinced it was a "tag team" effort. Congress was basing there judgment on info manipulated by the Bush Adminstration. There' no way of really knowing whether or not dems knew the info was false or went along with it or were duped.

Have you ever heard a Democrat say how great the 9/11 Commission is?

11-19-2005, 10:38 AM
You know the thing that kills me the most about this. They are playing politics. Both the Democrats, and the Republicans, and using our soldiers as a chess piece.

The Democrats knew what the hell was going on. They had to. I went to a war rally before the war even started where people were talking about "No War For Oil", and "Dick Cheney And Halliburton Must Go"... if a bunch of protesters knew what was going on, I can almost GUARANTEE the people who actually work in Washington D.C. knew a helluva lot more.

They were just as guilty as the Republicans in getting us into this war. It was a "tag team" effort. The Democrats, and the Republicans initially voted to give the President the authority to invade, and then the President used that authority, and did just that.

BOTH sides of the isle have a part to play in the Iraq War. Now they're just playing politics to cover their own asses, and using the soldiers as pawns.
Well technically they didn't vote to give the President the authority to invade, but rather they voted to give him the authority to disarm Hussein, not necessarily via invasion. At least that's how I understand it.

11-19-2005, 04:58 PM
Yeah, the vote was to give Bush the option of using the military if Saddam did not allow weapons inspectors in.

11-19-2005, 05:14 PM
Well technically they didn't vote to give the President the authority to invade, but rather they voted to give him the authority to disarm Hussein, not necessarily via invasion. At least that's how I understand it.

You might be right. And guess what... Saddam Hussein accepted an 11th hour deal to leave Iraq. Says so right here (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5853). Looks like we didn't have to go to war after all.