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11-17-2005, 08:10 PM
Madonna Can’t Prove Government Was in on 9/11 'Deal'


By Jim Roberts
Nov 17, 2005

Pop star Madonna gives what appears to be a bizarre interview to Rolling Stone Magazine that is excerpted on People's website. The 47-year old travels far and wide and gives opinions on everything from 9/11 to Tom Cruise to Scientology, to Michael Moore to President Bush.

The excerpts show why folks lampoon celebrities.

On her 9/11 conspiracy theory:

"9/11 was too ambiguous," she tells the magazine.

"You couldn't prove how the government was somehow in on the deal. There were too many arguments against it. You could say, 'Oh, that's just Michael Moore,' 'Oh, that's just hearsay.'

So - is Madonna saying that the government was in on 9/11 and if someone with more credibility than Michael Moore tackled the issue, we'd all now see how the US government was in on 'the deal?'

Is this a serious statement? Somehow out of context?

On George Bush:
"I was just frigging devastated," she says of his re-election last year. "It was a real sad day." She rationalizes the way the election swung on Bush's making the public feel safe – until, she says, Hurricane Katrina blew in.

She defends Tom Cruise:
"We're both in the take-a-lot-of-s--- club together," Madonna tells Rolling Stone magazine in its new issue, according to People. "I don't really know what Scientology is, and because I don't know, I'm not in a position to have an opinion about it. But I don't think anybody else knows, either."

Her unabashed advice to the critics of the both of them? "They need to shut the f--- up."

Tom Cruise may say the same thing to Madonna after that bizarre Howard Dean like claim of a 'deal' by the US Government for 9/11.

--Jim Roberts

11-17-2005, 08:52 PM
Well that’s it; the movements over. You might as well have Michael Jackson as a spokes person Celebrities ruin stuff like this.

11-17-2005, 08:54 PM

11-17-2005, 09:00 PM
I don't think its so bad, Madonna isn't nearly as bad as Michael Jackson. She still has something of a career and has never been accused of molesting children (as far as I know).

I think a celebrity is just what we need right now, although the last person I would have thought would have been Madonna. I've been quietly compiling a list of celebrities to try to get a hold of, here is what I've come up with so far:

- Oliver Stone
- Bono
- Paul McCartney
- Woody Harrelson
- Bob Geldoff

Thats all I got so far, anyone with any other suggestions? The hardest part is getting ahold of one of these people. I'm thinking of people that have stood up for their beliefs in the past are the best to try to get in touch with.

11-17-2005, 09:07 PM
Joan Baez
Bruce Springsteen
Ed Asner
Jon Gold
Martin Sheen
Alan Alda

11-17-2005, 09:08 PM
I don’t think Madonna is all that credible; it would be a turn off to a lot of people.

It could create dismissals like;
“ya whatever buddy, you and Madonna saw the government planting bombs in the trade towers, why don’t you call up Michael Moore and make a documentary.

Those other celebrities would be a good idea, they are taken more seriously in their political views than Madonna is.

11-17-2005, 09:08 PM
Martin Sheen, I forgot about him, he'd be a good one I bet.

11-17-2005, 09:10 PM
I don’t think Madonna is all that credible; it would be a turn off to a lot of people.

It could create dismissals like;
“ya whatever buddy, you and Madonna saw the government planting bombs in the trade towers, why don’t you call up Michael Moore and make a documentary.

Those other celebrities would be a good idea, they are taken more seriously in their political views than Madonna is.
Yeah, but there will always be that group of people who won't listen to reason, they are irrelevant. Somebody in the public eye who chooses to expose this stuff will have a huge impact.

11-17-2005, 09:22 PM
Yeah, but there will always be that group of people who won't listen to reason, they are irrelevant. Somebody in the public eye who chooses to expose this stuff will have a huge impact.It might have a huge negative impact if Madonna did it. It would depend on the celebrity but Madonna is as lame as Brittany Spears in my eyes. An untalented, annoying hack who is not going away. John Stewart would be a good one, in fact any comedian would be good, comedians can get away with a lot more.

11-17-2005, 09:54 PM
It might have a huge negative impact if Madonna did it. It would depend on the celebrity but Madonna is as lame as Brittany Spears in my eyes. An untalented, annoying hack who is not going away. John Stewart would be a good one, in fact any comedian would be good, comedians can get away with a lot more.
I don't know, once this comes out into the mainstream, the messenger won't necessarily matter. There are enough experts waiting in the wings to expose the truth, if only they could get an opportunity. Once its in the mainstream, the hard work is over.

11-17-2005, 10:26 PM
I would worry about the kinds of things Madonna would say, the spin-doctors would be salivating.

She does have a lot of fans that couldn't hurt.

11-18-2005, 07:53 AM
if a message is associated with a particular person, or people, then the message stands and falls with that person...at least from the standpoint of the "not-allready-informed" that we would like to reach. any wrong or unwise steps, and then the message is soiled alongside.

that's what i appreciate about the movement till now. it is on a whole basically coming from "everybody and his brother", (that was one my dad used to use on a sunday drive, complaining about why we weren't the only ones on the road). of course there are a few with a bit more visible profiles, through their websites and so on. but generally, there are a lot of plain joe's like myself, talking with the neighbors and the guys at work....and i think that be the most powerfull way...it has that touch of, "we the people".....yeah !!!! we still do believe it possible, don't we?