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11-16-2005, 09:35 AM
Tucker Carlson Says 9/11 Skeptics Should 'Leave the Country', Commits Slander
Thanks to dazinith (http://www.911blogger.com/)



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Tonight on Tucker Carlson's 'The Situation', Tucker responded to calls he received stating that Steven Jones was not given enough time on last night's show by stating:

[referring to the caller]your one of dozens, scores, maybe hundreds of people who called and wrote after our segment last night..

[referring to Steven Jones]he claims in his writings.. he believes the U.S. government had a role in blowing up the world trade center, that it was not done by terrorists..

if you really believe the U.S. government killed 3000 of its own citizens for no reason and lied about it and invaded Afghanistan as a result of something it did, you ought to leave the country.. because that's so terrible.. so evil, that your tax dollars go in to support it make you complicit in it. if you really believe that, you ought to leave..

but we're gunna keep an open mind..

Tucker exemplifies the reasons why it is necessary to leave it up to scientists and researchers, and not government cronies and talking heads, to investigate the truth behind 9/11, because otherwise one might be blinded by their own assumptions and emotions. Tucker not only acted as though his moral compass is above those that question 9/11 (specifically a 20+ year Professor at BYU), but he also committed slander in his comments about Steven Jones' research.

While the report written by Steven Jones mentions the U.S. government several times in reference to their failures of investigation, at no point in his paper does he suggest the government was involved in carrying out the attacks, although I'm sure many others would, and have.

In response to Carlson's statements I have a few questions:

Should American's who believe the war in Iraq was based on intentional lies also leave the country?
Does an administration that has killed thousands, and maimed tens of thousands all based on fraud, corruption, and lies still deserve ignorant blind faith regarding 9/11?
Do the Jersey Girls (who said the 9/11 Commission Report was a failure) need to leave the country?
What about the 50% of New Yorkers who believe the government had prior knowledge and 'consciously failed to act?'
Should the German's who questioned the Reichstag Fire have left their country?
Should these ~9,000 people asking for a criminal investigation pack their bags as well?
While Tucker's comments are reminiscent of similar statements made about those that questioned the Iraq war (those that question the war should either keep quiet or leave the country!), I am hopeful that most American's have come to terms with their lame duck media, and know that if they want the truth they have to find it themselves.

BTW, Feel free to continue contacting Tucker at tucker@msnbc.com and 1-877-TCARLSON.

11-16-2005, 10:00 AM
I haven't been "radical" for a long time now... but this PISSED ME OFF.

11-16-2005, 10:22 AM

11-16-2005, 10:38 AM
Here's a great opportunity to give Tucker a well needed history lesson. He needs to be informed about Operation Northwoods first. Then he needs to be reminded about all the wars based on orchestrated events. The Gulf of Tonkin lie, the lies that led to Gulf War I as well as the current Iraq invasion should be powerful proof that a criminal element behind this government has created a threat and launched us into wars before. This is not new. I say we should fill Tuckers inbox for the next 2 weeks with this information.

11-16-2005, 10:42 AM
Here's a great opportunity to give Tucker a well needed history lesson. He needs to be informed about Operation Northwoods first. Then he needs to be reminded about all the wars based on orchestrated events. The Gulf of Tonkin lie, the lies that led to Gulf War I as well as the current Iraq invasion should be powerful proof that a criminal element behind this government has created a threat and launched us into wars before. This is not new. I say we should fill Tuckers inbox for the next 2 weeks with this information.

I agree that we should bombard his inbox with information, emails asking for a "fair chance" on the show, etc... but these people know what's going on. I can't tell you how many times I've talked to reporters who work for papers, etc... who know about the Zogby Poll, who know about the Spitzer Complaint, who know about Sibel Edmonds, etc... they know and do nothing. Now, they've attacked us. We need to get angry... we need to get really angry.

11-16-2005, 10:46 AM
Dear Mr. Carlson,

From your recent segment on the WTC collapse and subsequant comments, I can only conclude that you, and many others to be sure, base their confidence on the official story solely on Faith. I have been researching the various issues surrounding 9-11 for the past several years, and I can certainly say that at the very least there exist significant flaws and holes in the official story. These holes are widely available, so I won't bore you with them now. If you apply an analytical perspective vs a Faith-based perspective on the official story, you cannot help but see its multitude of deficiencies.

By Faith-based, I don't mean religion, I mean the faith that our leaders would not sacrifice some citizens in order to fulfill a political agenda. However, historically this sacrifice has never been a sticking point for many politicians. In addition, most of the current administration heads are made up of ex-corporate executives, and certainly we would never expect a corporation to put people before profits. So why should we expect any different just because they changed jobs?

Thanks for listening!

Uber Commandante

Rebel Patriot
11-16-2005, 10:49 AM
Isn't it about time apologists like this get "Networked?"

really, the attention it would bring, don't wait for the news, become the news.

11-16-2005, 10:53 AM
"Some of us who went through that nightmare have an obligation to the 58,000 Americans who died in Vietnam to not let that happen again. To question your government is not unpatriotic – to not question your government is unpatriotic. America owes its men and women in uniform a policy worthy of their sacrifices. (http://www.yourbbsucks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6287)"

Republican Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE)

11-16-2005, 01:03 PM
If Tuck thinks he's gotten a lot of calls/letters/emails now, just wait... He said "hundred"... it should be hundreds of thousands! And now, not just for disrespecting the professor both on the original interview and now afterward, but for disrespecting every thinking American in the world! I just got a call from a veteran who ended six years of service last July... let me tell you, there are some PISSED OFF troops and veterans out there. We need to be sure Tucker Hurl-son hears from them, too!

11-16-2005, 06:12 PM
I just sent him 2 emails. Just doing my part here.

11-16-2005, 10:33 PM
I just sent him 2 emails. Just doing my part here.

me too!! ah me sent 2 too!

first one:

Dear Mr Carlson,

Just wanted to let you know i saw your interview with Steven Jones, the BYU physics professor. While it seemed as though you did not want to show the actual collapse of WTC7, I am thoroughly greatful for you having the courage to bring this man onto your show.

You did not slander or insult him as others would do. You did not attack him as being unamerican. I am happy you allowed him to express his opinion freely.

If others had as much courage as Steven does, this country would be in far better world standing than we are today.

A man like Steven Jones is someone who does not have to take talking points to express an opinion. He is a man who will say what he thinks is true, regardless of the opinions around him. That kind of unconventional thinking is what made this country great when it was formed and the kind of thinking that will save it in the future.

If you continue this storyline, may I suggest you interview David Ray Griffin, a respected Theologian from Claremont college and William Rodriguez, the last man out of the WTC before the collapse.

Thank you for your courage in approaching this subject. There are many Americans who are still waiting for the truth about 9-11, many trying to connect the dots about 9-11, and many more who call for an open, TRULY independent commission.

May God Keep You Safe,

second one:

Dear Tucker,

I've read the transcripts and I saw the interview. At no time did the professor tell you he thought the government was responsible for 9-11. You came to that conclusion all on your own. Since you suggest to those who believe this that they should leave the country, when will you be leaving? Will there be a party?

I do not believe my government was responsible for 9-11. I believe elements within the government knowingly aided the criminal acts of 9-11. There is a difference. It is this difference that drives me to expose those who have such twisted, Machiavellian logic which you now seem to protect.

Here is the problem we face today, it centers around realism, truth, perception and critical thinking. (as quoted from Howard Zinn, author of the People's History of the US)
Realism is seductive because once you have accepted the reasonable notion that you should base your actions on reality, you are too often led to accept, without much questioning, someone else's version of what that reality is. It is a crucial act of independent thinking to be skeptical of someone else's description of reality.

True patriots are those that question the government. (like our founding fathers)
True patriots are those who seek truth.
Traitors are those who apologize for the criminal acts of their leaders and turn and look the other way.

Who are you really?

of course i wrote this before i read about senator chuck hagel saying the same thing about patriotism and questioning the government...

kinda made my day when i saw it wish i was able to attach it to the email i sent.

11-16-2005, 10:44 PM

Do me a favor... post these in there... and here, but specifically in there...