View Full Version : Yikes McGee And Vic Sadot's Websites...

11-13-2005, 05:13 PM
Really, if you haven’t been to Yikes McGee and Vic Sadot’s websites lately, you’re missing some great music. Most of you know, these are the two who played (free) for us in DC this summer. Both of them have their music online to listen to (as well as buy—hint, hint). (I constantly admonish folks to PURCHASE books and DVDs from 9/11 researchers, rather than stealing them off the web, in order to support their ongoing efforts. Guess I’m doing the same thing here. These guys are both fine humans and I want to support them.)

Anyway, take a break while you’re working and listen to these two, at least:

www.yikesmcgee.com Click on “PNAC: or NEO-Masters of War”
www.zydecoplanet.com (Vic Sadot’s site) and listen to Cheney’s in the Bunker, Ballad of Willie Rodriguez, etc.

Love to all,

11-13-2005, 06:04 PM
These guys are great.