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10-27-2005, 08:37 AM
2000 Americans Dead in Iraq – Hooray!!


(Gold9472: I saw this pathetic article, and had to post it. If for anything, to show everyone how ridiculous they really are.)

by Doug Edelman
October 27, 2005 08:21 AM EST

It’s practically party-time in the Democratic party. Liberals are falling all over themselves to “commemorate” the 2000th death in Iraq, as though it were a new home run record!

Now they’re “unleashed” to start some whole new series of protests. Mama Cindy will be chaining herself to the White House Fence. Events are planned all over the country which have now been “triggered” by the sad loss of several soldiers yesterday.

Are our war losses insignificant and without meaning? Of course not. Every soul lost in war is a tragedy. Every family touched by war is irretrievably diminished. There is no intent here to minimize the personal impact of any single soldiers death.

But let’s try to get a little perspective here. On September 11, 2001, four US airliners were hijacked and crashed – 3 of them into targeted buildings on the ground. This operation was executed by Bin Laden’s Al Qaida. This was a radical islamofascist attack on the “great satan”, the USA, using their preferred technique… terror. We lost around 3000 of our people that day. They were not soldiers. They were not knowingly putting themselves in harms way. They were living out their daily lives, going to their daily jobs, when airplanes-turned-missiles suddenly snuffed out their lives at the hands of suicidal radical islamists.

Afghanistan was attacked first, as a direct response to Al Qaida’s attacks on 9/11… but the September 11 attacks did more than kill 3000 on that date. They finally woke us up to the fact that we are and had been at war with radical islamofascism for quite some time. Virtually every act of terror against US interests since the fall of the Shah of Iran has been perpetrated by radical Islam. Yes, I said EVERY act – including Oklahoma City. (See www.jaynadavis.com (http://www.jaynadavis.com/) <http://www.jaynadavis.com/> for info on the links to Radical Islam.) We were attacked at Kobar Towers, The first World Trade Center bombing, the Cole, etc. They were already at war with us. We were just not fighting back.

Regardless of whether the intelligence regarding WMD was faulty – there was good reason to believe it was accurate. Every intelligence agency in the world believed it. John Kerry believed it! Bill Clinton believed it. Saddam had USED them before, expressed desire to acquire more, and WANTED his neighbors to believe that he had them.

But even apart from WMD, Saddam himself was a weapon of mass destruction. He was also supportive of the radical Islamic cause. During the Gulf War, he hurled SCUD missiles at Israel – just to curry support from the other Islamic nations! He was a known financier of Hamas, a radical terrorist group. He had billions of dollars of oil money at his disposal. There is no question he was part of the Islamofascist contingent which is waging war with the west. Saddam was violating the cease-fire agreement which stopped the shooting of the first Gulf war. He was legitimately perceived as a threat. Even under Clinton, our stated policy was to achieve “regime change” in Iraq. September 11 may not have been an operation Saddam was directly involved in, but it was an operation that was part of an overall Radical Islamic campaign against the “infidels” of the world – a campaign with which Saddam was intimately connected.

But this is not about WHY we went to war. We ARE at war. In war, people die. Each is a tragedy, but that is the fact. Despite the Liberals’ attempt to blame Bush for taking us into war… we were DRAGGED into war by those who’d declared war on us.

Our present military is populated SOLEY by volunteers. Every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine and Guardsman CHOSE to be one. As such, they assumed the risks of war, and serve proudly. The 3000 victims of 9/11 didn’t choose to put themselves at risk. They didn’t know they were at risk at all! We lost 3000 in a day! Yet the Left is obsessed with the 2000 who died in the noble cause of defending our way of life.

And what have we gained in exchange for those 2000? There has not been another attack on our shores since 2001. Afghanistan is operating as an independent democracy. The Taliban has been deposed. Iraq has been liberated from Saddam’s tyranny, and now has its constitution. Libya has stood down its nuclear ambitions. North Korea is responding in the 6 way talks.

Are 2000 dead in Iraq insignificant? No. Every one is a hero who sacrificed for all of us. Every one is honored. Every family is mourned with. But is the loss of 2000 a reason to pack up and go home with our tail between our legs and the job of SECURING the region left undone? Only to those who don’t understand the reasons for being there in the first place.

Many more than 2000 die each year due to criminal activity in the US. Should the police turn in their guns and badges and go home because we’re “losing” the war on crime?

More than 2000 die each year in auto accidents. Should we be protesting GM, Ford, Toyota etc?

In a medium sized city, more than 2000 will die in a year from NATURAL CAUSES. We have hundreds of thousands of soldiers in theatre in the mideast. We’ve lost 2000 in 4 years. How about a little perspective.

Copyright © 2005 by Doug Edelman

Uber Commandante
10-27-2005, 11:10 AM

10-27-2005, 11:16 AM

Now THAT'S the sign of a "True" Patriot.

10-27-2005, 03:52 PM
Yeah, it's just 2000, what's the BIG deal?

10-27-2005, 03:57 PM
Yeah, it's just 2000, what's the BIG deal?

2000 dead for a lie. That's NOTHING. They are just statistics... stupid liberals.

10-27-2005, 03:59 PM
Fucking liberal cry baby pussies. Sacrifices will always have to be made for the good of the country, just not by us neo-cons.

10-27-2005, 04:02 PM
Fucking liberal cry baby pussies. Sacrifices will always have to be made for the good of the country, just not by us neo-cons.

Yeah... us Neocons have better things to do with our time than fighting a war... like creating one.

10-27-2005, 04:05 PM
BTW... Can you believe the audacity of Saddam Hussein to launch that attack against the American people on 9/11?

10-27-2005, 04:13 PM
"But this is not about WHY we went to war."

That's right. We should NEVER need a good reason to go to war with another country. That would be CRAZY. I say we go to war with ANYONE we want, ANYTIME we want, and for ANY reason we want.

10-27-2005, 04:18 PM
Fuck yeah man! Let's just go out and kick ass and take names. Fuck what the rest of the world thinks about it! Fuckn' bunch of pussies.

10-27-2005, 04:18 PM
"Despite the Liberals’ attempt to blame Bush for taking us into war… we were DRAGGED into war by those who’d declared war on us."

Damn straight! It wasn't Bush who took us into war. Saddam Hussein, when he ordered the attacks of 9/11, declared war on us!

10-27-2005, 04:21 PM
"Despite the Liberals’ attempt to blame Bush for taking us into war… we were DRAGGED into war by those who’d declared war on us."

It wasn't Bush who presented false information to the Congress, which by the way, is a federal offense. If he did, he surely would have been held accountable for that. The fact that he hasn't PROVES it wasn't him. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches are all run by Republicans.

10-27-2005, 04:23 PM
"And what have we gained in exchange for those 2000? There has not been another attack on our shores since 2001."

That's right! Saddam Hussein can never attack us again because he's been dethroned! WOOOO!!!

10-27-2005, 04:27 PM
"More than 2000 die each year in auto accidents. Should we be protesting GM, Ford, Toyota etc?"

Great point Doug! Always deflect from the original argument. It's the Neocon way.

10-27-2005, 04:28 PM
This is fun.

10-28-2005, 01:32 AM
This is fun.

Tell me about it:

Going to heaven, Jesus, torturing people, drugs, guns, murder, war, power, and lots and lots of money. What's not to like?

56 million Americans can't be wrong!