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10-17-2005, 03:00 PM
Police Arrest 114 People In Toledo Riot

Neighbors: Neo-Nazis Had No Right To March In Area

UPDATED: 4:52 pm EDT October 16, 2005
TOLEDO, Ohio -- In the days leading up to a white supremacist march, ministers pleaded with Toledo residents to stay calm. Community leaders organized peace rallies to keep protesters away from the neo-Nazis.
Authorities even delayed releasing the route of the march so protesters wouldn't have advance notice of where the demonstration would take place. It wasn't enough to stop an angry mob, some of whom were gang members, from looting and burning a neighborhood bar, smashing the windows of a gas station and hurling rocks and bricks at police on Saturday. Much of the anger boiled over because residents were upset that city leaders were willing to allow about a dozen white supremacists to walk through the neighborhood and shout insults. The march was called off after rioting started. "You can't allow people to come challenge a whole city and not think they weren't going to strike back," said Kenneth Allen, 47, who watched the violence begin near his home. http://images.ibsys.com/sh/images/ibs_icon/popup.gifSLIDESHOW: Images From Scene (http://www.nbc4i.com/news/5104645/detail.html#) Police Chief Mike Navarre said Sunday that the riots escalated because members of the National Socialist Movement took their protest to the neighborhood, which is predominantly black, instead of a neutral place. "If this march had occurred in downtown Toledo, we wouldn't have had the unrest," he said. Mayor Jack Ford said there was little the city could do to stop the supremacist group because they did not apply for a parade permit and instead planned to walk along sidewalks. "They do have a right to walk on the Toledo sidewalks," said Ford, who at one point confronted leaders of the mob and tried to settle them down. One gang member, the mayor said, threatened to shoot him. Ford said if the Nazi group tries to come back, he would seek a court order to stop them. Police arrested 114 on charges including assault, vandalism, failure to obey police, failure to disperse and overnight curfew violations. Twelve officers were injured, including one who suffered a concussion when a brick came through a side window of her cruiser and hit her in the head. [From http://www.nbc4i.com/news/5104645/detail.html (http://www.nbc4i.com/news/5104645/detail.html) ]
http://www.denktag.de/denktag2002/denktag2002/77_Remember/images/bildergalerie/nazis.jpg march and niggers go to jail...ONLY in http://xdb.xanga.com/45300750381b03289144/z3110161.jpg (http://xdb.xanga.com/45300750381b03289144/b3110161.jpg)
[ Of course...Fox "news" is berating the animals who violated the rights of those poor klansmenhttp://www.xanga.com/Images/wtf.gif Amerklan Civil Liberties Unionizing the spin ].....

10-17-2005, 03:18 PM
Holy Toledo!!

No I kid its not funny.

10-17-2005, 03:23 PM

10-17-2005, 03:27 PM