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10-11-2005, 09:03 PM
9/11 produced by vast conspiracy


(Gold9472: Thanks to SBG.)

Nate Arthur - Columnist
Tuesday, October 11, 2005 issue

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe,” Frederick Douglass, a 19th century abolitionist, said.

“The arts of power and its minions are the same in all countries and in all ages. It marks its victim; denounces it; and excites the public odium and the public hatred, to conceal its own abuses and encroachments,” Henry Clay, a Kentucky senator, said in 1834.

“No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious,” George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright, said.

My argument is as straightforward as it is secure and convincing: Our government was behind the terror attacks of 9-11.

To be believed, the argument requires that one think adult thoughts, have a more than casually informed view of history, and be willing to distinguish a fact from a sweet, soothing fiction.

We are told that on 9-11, 2001, we were attacked by a band of terrorist prodigies. 19 fanatical Arab wunderkinds of terror. They eluded our vast intelligence network and somehow managed to take out the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

We’re told the air defenses of the most aggressive military state on the planet could not get it together enough to prevent the last jihadi missile from getting to the nation’s defense center in our capital, though it had been over 70 minutes since four airliners were almost simultaneously hijacked.

We are offered no dignified explanation for the absurd collapse of WTC building 7. There is not one bit of photographic or filmic evidence of the controversial Pentagon strike, because federal agents confiscated all of it, and none of it has been released.

Why do we deny the obvious conspiracy, the one that explodes directly in front of us, smelling like cordite? When any two or more parties convene for the planning or execution of a criminal act, that is a conspiracy, and a common circumstance in any land.

It is generally accepted that JFK was shot by more than one person. You can torture a lot out of some weak Iraqi insurgent or Arab-Canadian national, but physical evidence has always been more recalcitrant, and no one credibly claims that Kennedy was not shot from both in front and behind. And since the Warren Commission ruled that one lone assassin named Lee Oswald committed the act, and he was silenced by a government-connected mobster before he could ever testify, then we have most every American believing that something shady in the way of a conspiratorial cover-up took place. Glorious president Apollo was thus permanently, horribly betrayed.

That can’t be good for justice or the national soul. Now imagine if the nation swallowed a crime a thousand times more heinous and unforgivable, and just as submissively swallowed its flagrant cover up.

How bad would that be for justice and the national soul? How would it embolden the conspirators, the criminals? They might feel they could do anything.

They might invade other countries on the slimmest pretexts. Or threaten their political enemies with poison letters and force obscene anti-constitutional legislation upon an already meek and corrupted Congress. Maybe continue to feed the rich and the military industrial complex with the earnings of the ignorant taxpayer, or even reconstitute pipeline deals and the Afghan opium trade and call it the gift of democracy to a “backwards, stone age” people who claim they’d prefer it if we simply did not make a routine of waging proxy war in their country and stocking it with Stinger missiles and land mines.

German Jews smelled a conspiracy after the Reichstag fire, before Crystalnacht, and many wisely left before the cattle cars came.

The 400 descendants of African slaves who agreed to take part in the Tuskegee experiments begun in the ’30s, in which curious federal health officials allowed black men with syphilis to go uninformed and untreated to their deaths, telling them it was all a “blood experiment” and ultimately causing the infection of many children and wives, did not suspect a conspiracy, but should have.

It is not exactly justified to accuse an American of being nutty when they act outraged upon learning about espionage Operations Paperclip and Northwoods. When we know that U.S. intelligence spared and then used Nazi scientists, spies and hitmen during the Cold War, while the relatively ungenocidal Japanese all went to the gallows, we have a right to our outrage.

When we discover that conducting mock “terror attacks” against ourselves and blaming them on Cuba in order to invade them was a plan actually considered by the Kennedy administration, we should be suspicious of the presence of bad and stupid men in government.

What really happened on 9-11 is sort of widely known among that minority of Americans who do their own thinking. Every day I experience pangs of anger and disgust at the childishness of the official explanation about what took place.

It is a clumsy and hole-ridden explanation indeed. It is just as obvious that the media is doing its part to parrot that story and maintain it. The so-called independent 9-11 Commission was an offensive whitewash, every bit as sloppy and fraudulent as the commissioned whitewash of Kennedy’s death, wolves looking into the tragic deaths of chickens. Sadly, all this can only imply that we are either gullible people or perversely dedicated to our denial.

There are large, professionally researched volumes of information on the truth of 9-11 all over the Internet. I suggest visiting Mike Ruppert’s “From the Wilderness” Web site (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/) and the 9-11-Truth Web site (http://www.911truth.org/). Both offer such convincing objective evidence, and so many supporting sources, that only the most stubbornly brain-washed still believe our government’s fascinating tale once they’ve done their own investigating.

— Nate Arthur can be reached at narthur@utk.edu.