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10-11-2005, 08:29 AM
9/11 conspiracy theory tonight in Manchester


October 11, 2005


MANCHESTER — A Christian theologian will bring a message likely to provoke controversy to the Riley Center at Burr and Burton Academy tonight.

That message claims the administration of President George W. Bush was complicit in the terrorist attacks against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001.

David Ray Griffin, a professor of theology for 31 years at the Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, Calif., came to the conclusion that the Bush-Cheney administration orchestrated 9/11 to promote building a world-dominating empire under the guise of a war on terror.

The most plausible evidence for this theory comes from the events of 9/11 itself, Griffin said in a recent interview published in the Los Angeles Times.

Beyond the failure of the U.S. Air Force to shoot down any of the four hijacked aircraft involved in the attacks, he said, the twin towers of the World Trade Center — and also Building 7, a smaller building that was part of the World Trade Center complex — collapsed in a very suspicious fashion.

The imploding of the buildings and their collapse upon themselves are inconsistent with what could be expected from a head-on collision by a passenger jetliner, Griffin said.

Since 2003, Griffin has written two books on 9/11 — the latest a scathing critique of the 9/11 commission which investigated the causes of the attacks. The study is filled with errors and omissions, he said.

"My study revealed that the Bush administration, including its Pentagon, had such motives which revolved around expanding the American Empire," he said.

Griffin likens 9/11 to Pearl Harbor. Questions have lingered for decades over whether President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew of the Japanese air strike in advance, but allowed it to happen in order to get the nation into World War II.

Griffin's lecture will be sponsored by the Putney-based organization, Vermonters for a Fair Economy. It will be a chance to hear an alternative point of view on a turning point in U.S. history, said John Berkowitz, the organization's director.

Because of the invasion of Iraq and war that followed the 9/11 attacks, he said, resources that might have gone to social programs and environmental protection have been squandered.

"If we can understand the truth about what happened on 9/11, we can take the war on terror in the right direction," he said. "Something as controversial as this should be a matter for public debate."

The lecture will start at 7 p.m. at Burr and Burton. The event is free, with donations requested. For more information, call 387-5127.

Contact Andrew McKeever at andrew.mckeever@rutlandherald.com

10-11-2005, 08:35 AM