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View Full Version : You Gotta Respect This Guy

10-09-2005, 10:22 AM
I just read this at another BB, this guy has balls:

This past Thursday Newt Gingrich came to UVM to lecture about "civic
responsibility" or some other BS, so I thought it apt to do just that
by holding a 9/11 was a black op U.S. military attack/our republic is
dead sign at the entrance to the lecture.

All in all it was great fun jeering at the young Republicans, a
group I can't think of as more unbecoming. I was shouting things
like "Republicans please use birth control, the world be safer
without you in the gene pool!" "What are you doing here in college we
need to go kill more Ayrab terrorists they are everywhere...oh god
tear up the constition, lock people away Al qaeda is coming etc..

After it was over I had a small victory. As I was walking back down
the hill towards my apt. a group of beery male frat boys chased me
down to come and beat me up. they were yelling hey you with the sign.
After getting in my face and telling me how 'offensive" my message
was, i calmly began rattling off fact after fact. After each new
point i watched their clenched fist drop to the sides, the jaws
slowly lower and finaly I end by handing out flyers to them. don't
believe what anyone says DO YOUR OWN RESEARCh was the close. I walked
away with a group of new skeptics born, eyes perhaps a wee bit wider..

Get hundreds more doing this EVERY DAY and we will have a chance.

-Greg Nixon

10-09-2005, 02:29 PM

10-09-2005, 03:47 PM
that's my nigga