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10-05-2005, 03:37 PM
Getting full story of 9/11 attacks


October 5, 2005

It's amazing to think — nearly four years after 9/11 and one year after the National 9/11 Commission Report — that not a single American official has been held accountable for the tremendous intelligence failures that might have prevented the attacks.

Now we have the latest revelation — that a secret Pentagon intelligence unit knew a year before 9/11 that Mohammed Atta and three other al-Qaida accomplices were in the United States.

I think that the members and staff of the National 9/11 Commission, who had a legal obligation to investigate and report upon all of the facts relevant to the 9/11 attacks, should be the very first individuals to be held accountable and responsible for their collective failure to meet their legislative mandate for a full accounting to the American people.

The American people clearly suffer from a false sense of security. How can we know that we are truly safer from terrorists if the 9/11 Commission has chosen to hide certain facts? I'm tired of our nation's leaders not being held accountable for their actions or inactions — particularly when it comes to fighting the "ongoing war against terrorism."

Some of the widows of 9/11 victims fought for over a year to just get a stonewalling Bush administration to create a national commission. They are now speaking out for a new investigation of the full story behind 9/11 and to hold our officials accountable.

Another key critic of the official story is David Ray Griffin, a renowned Christian theologian and author who has written two books about 9/11 and spoke recently to a national audience over C-Span. He'll be speaking in Brattleboro on Oct. 11 at noon and Manchester at 7 p.m., and in Montpelier and Burlington on the 12th.

For more info on Griffin and the 9/11 issue, contact Vermonters for a Fair Economy and Environmental Protection at svfeep@sover.net, 387-5127, or www.svfeep.net (http://www.svfeep.net).

