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10-04-2005, 01:37 PM
Bush proposes using military in bird flu pandemic


Tue Oct 4, 2005 12:46 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush suggested using the military to contain any epidemic of avian influenza on Tuesday, saying Congress needs to consider the possibility.

He said the military, perhaps the National Guard, might be needed to enforce quarantines if the feared H5N1 bird flu virus changes enough to cause widespread human infection.

"If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country? And how do you, then, enforce a quarantine?" Bush asked at a news conference.

"It's one thing to shut down airplanes. It's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine?" Bush added.

"One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move. So that's why I put it on the table. I think it's an important debate for Congress to have."

Bird flu has killed more than 60 people in four Asian nations since late 2003 and has been found in birds in Russia and Europe.

Experts fear that the H5N1 bird flu virus, which appears to be highly fatal when it infects people, will develop the ability to pass easily from person to person and would cause a pandemic that would kill millions.

He noted that some governors may object to the federal government commandeering the National Guard, which is under state command in most circumstances.

"But Congress needs to take a look at circumstances that may need to vest the capacity of the president to move beyond that debate. And one such catastrophe or one such challenge could be an avian flu outbreak," Bush said.

Health experts are working to develop vaccines that would protect against the H5N1 strain of flu, because current influenza vaccines will not.

And countries are also developing stockpiles of drugs that can reduce the risk of serious disease or even sometimes prevent infection -- but supplies and manufacturing capacity are both limited.

Bush said he was concerned and involved in planning for an influenza pandemic, which experts say will definitely come, although they cannot predict when or whether it will be H5N1 or some other virus.

"And I think the president ought to have all options on the table to understand what the consequences are -- all assets on the table, not options -- assets on the table to be able to deal with something this significant," he said.

© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.

10-04-2005, 01:39 PM
Is this how Bush plans to insert Martial Law?

10-04-2005, 02:06 PM
i see a genocide coming.

911=inside job
10-04-2005, 02:26 PM
i linked that radio show that says some sort of man made flu will be the next attack...

guns and butter.. google it and listen...

911=inside job
10-04-2005, 02:27 PM
i see a genocide coming.
didnt you say that youre a republican??? so you like the idea of genocide??? you picked a good party...

10-04-2005, 05:37 PM
if you think it's just republican that are evil in this world you're blind. it's all politicians at this point. you can't say one party is doing this shit.

10-04-2005, 11:33 PM
Be afraid, be very afraid. These guys (the Bushivecs) are moving very fast.