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09-07-2005, 07:35 PM
Dean: Race played a role in Katrina death toll


Published Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Race was a factor in the rising death toll from Hurricane Katrina, Howard Dean told members of the National Baptist Convention of America on Wednesday at the group's annual meeting.

Dean, Democratic party chairman, made the comments to the Baptists' Political and Social Justice Commission. The Baptist Convention has an estimated 3.5 million members representing 3,000 churches and is one of the largest black religious groups in the country.

"We must ... come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not," Dean said.

Dean said Americans have a moral responsibility to not ignore the devastating effects of damage caused by Hurricane Katrina when it struck the Gulf Coast.

The former presidential candidate said the government will be judged on how it treats the old, the young and the poor.

"People are poor in different parts of the country. They are not refugees. They are Americans," he said.

Dean said that instead of considering proposed estate tax breaks, the Senate should channel the $760 billion savings into disaster relief funds.

"Shall we give that to the wealthiest people in the country, or should we rebuild New Orleans?" Dean said.

He also said the funds that now support the Iraq war could be used to reconstruct New Orleans or to aid the poor and elderly.

Dean urged the government to exempt victims of Hurricane Katrina from a stricter new bankruptcy law for one year.

"I hope Chairman Dean will match his rhetoric with his support for reforms that replace bureaucracy and entitlement with hope and opportunity," said Ken Mehlman, Dean's counterpart in the Republican National Committee.

Stephen J. Thurston, president of the Baptist Convention, said there was a lack of response and sensitivity by the government toward the Gulf Coast disaster.

Thurston's group and three other Baptist organizations representing 15 million churchgoers will hold a joint meeting in January 2008 before the next presidential election, Thurston said.

The Baptists intend to pursue an aggressive voter registration and participation campaign for 2008 Presidential election, Thurston said.

He said that had more blacks voted, the outcome of the 2004 election might have been different.

Commission member Joseph Richardson, Sr., of Broadview, Ill., agreed with Thurston.

"I think anyone would want leadership that relates to people's needs," Richardson said. "The mayor (of New Orleans) was crying out for five whole days."

911=inside job
09-07-2005, 07:55 PM

09-07-2005, 08:50 PM
Why can't any politian not try and take advantage of bad situations? Sure Just about everybody working in Washington fucked up, but that doesn't mean you can use that to make yourself look good. Jesus, these politicians are remining me of the looters who were stealing jewelry and tvs and stuff.

09-07-2005, 08:51 PM
You should turn on C-SPAN right now. Barbara Lee is explaining what this is about.

09-07-2005, 08:53 PM
I don't have a tv near me at the moment, what's she saying?

09-07-2005, 08:54 PM
I don't have a tv near me at the moment, what's she saying?

That if you had any doubt that there are two America's, the Federal Government's shameful response to Katrina should have removed that doubt.

09-07-2005, 10:17 PM
I do think race had a slight role, even class...but let's put this one through the motions.

Do you honestly think this fascist crew gives a shit about anyone but the "have even mores"...not the "haves" and not the "have mores"...they too would be sacrificed if the $bling-bling$ was good enough.

I think this is just a smokescreen that saves everyone from talking about the real issue. CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. Wich carries a slightly heftier fine then, "your a racist".

While they may very well be racist - in this instance, I think it had more to do with a simple, "we don't give a phuq about anyone but ourselves" and "the longer we wait, the more lucrative the contracts will be."(and it will all be legal, quick, hide the bodies)

If they were black, poor, young or old, it doesn't make a difference. Where was the racism on 9/11? They weren't all poor or black. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if it was all poor or all black, but if it was ten thousand upper middle class white people that died, "the end would still justify the means". $cha-ching$

The more money you have, the more judges and media you can buy.

Did race have something to do with the fact that they diverted the funding that was begged for? warned about? the subject of a year's worth of articles from the TIMES-PICAYUNE? If this is what dean is saying, then why doesn't he mention all that instead of the racist "late response".

Racism or Criminal Negligence? What PR nightmare would you rather deal with?

Warnings of N. Orleans disaster ignored, funding slashed: experts


09-07-2005, 10:19 PM
I think you can deal with both of them. Criminal Negligence caused by Racism.

09-07-2005, 10:26 PM
If racism is what gets the general public to finally stand up and say enough, then let it be racism.

09-07-2005, 10:29 PM
If racism is what gets the general public to finally stand up and say enough, then let it be racism.

I HOPE more and more people get the "itch". "Hmmmm... he is just blatantly corrupt. He let those people die. He ordered all of those people to their deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. All based on lies... Ya know... now that I think about it, I know I've seen something about the lies surrounding 9/11 a well... I wonder..."

09-07-2005, 10:37 PM
The racism and class on 9/11 is hard to see.

If you believe the government conciously failed to act then, do you agree they conciously failed to act now?

I only assume then(not putting words into your mouth), you believe they conciously had racism on their mind in the instance of Katrina. That they actively pursued a racist agenda, before and after the "trajic success".

Is this correct?

I find the before part hard, the after, I agree with you. Regardless, you can be a racist in America, nobody gives a shit. But if that costs lives, that's against the law.

09-07-2005, 10:50 PM
I don't "know" if it was racism. Unfortunately, I didn't attend that meeting.

However, based on the response to Katrina vs. the response to the plethora of Hurricanes last year in Florida shows, at the very least, favortism.

They had the ability to respond, and didn't. That is the case. If that's the case, then we have to ask ourselves why. Why would they not send relief for all of those victims?

Is it because of where they live? Maybe. They could build some wonderful new beachfront property down there, and mirror Miami.

Is it because of who lives down there? Well, I don't know for sure, but it seems that that particular area was targetted for Iraq War funding.

Why was it ok to take money meant for the safety of that region, and not other regions? Who decided to take money meant for safety away from that region, and what was their reasoning?

Unfortunately, these kinds of questions can only be answered in an inquiry.

09-08-2005, 07:48 AM
So in essence, this MAY have been racial cleansing on the sneak tip.

Why would they not send relief for all of those victims?

"Every hot spot in the Third World is in fact a result of failed population policy. There is a single theme behind all of our work - we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in Iran or Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even FASCISM, to reduce it. To really reduce population quickly, you have to put all the males into fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile females." Thomas Ferguson - head of the Latin America desk at the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs 1981

George Bush:

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." September 11, 1990

"(The Gulf Crisis) has to do with a new world order. And that world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United Nations proves to be effective." January 9, 1991

"When we are successful, and WE WILL BE, we have real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders." January 16, 1991



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