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02-08-2005, 10:13 AM
I just had perhaps a profound realization!

If in fact there is such a thing as a grand conspiracy for governments to slowly be conditioning their citizens to mind control, I feel that ADHD gives people a natural immunity. With our inability to focus for long periods of time, our mind naturally is too chaotic to be made rigid for any kinds of post hypnotic suggestion.

That is unless our government comes up with a way to effectively quiet our innate randomness of thought, and inability to focus on tasks or singular thoughts. Now here is the conspiracy, we of the adhd generation/indigo children are being surpressed emotionally with drugs; Ritalin/Concerta/Adderall/Stratera and Wellbutrin. We are an unexpected anomaly that needs to be controlled to conform. Personally, conformity I feel is the greatest oppressor to personal greatness. The government doesn't want people who think for themselves, they make many of our opinions for us we just don't realize it, hence many mainstream news medias. Without their spoonfeeding us our polotical and world news, we *gasp* might actually form our own views or seek news on our own. If we become independent, we will rise up against the obviously controlling system of establishment. At least I believe that is the governments worst fear. Let me ask you this question, how many of us would have agreed for America to go to Iraq, if we had to do our own independent research and find out why we "desperately needed to disarm" Saddam Hussein? Things that make you go hmmm....

02-08-2005, 03:48 PM
i was just thinking of this today!! you are awsome! I am going off pills similar to this right now... paxil though... not any of the ones you listed before. and my brain is now bouncing everywhere :-)

02-08-2005, 03:58 PM
I just had perhaps a profound realization!

If in fact there is such a thing as a grand conspiracy for governments to slowly be conditioning their citizens to mind control, I feel that ADHD gives people a natural immunity. With our inability to focus for long periods of time, our mind naturally is too chaotic to be made rigid for any kinds of post hypnotic suggestion.

That is unless our government comes up with a way to effectively quiet our innate randomness of thought, and inability to focus on tasks or singular thoughts. Now here is the conspiracy, we of the adhd generation/indigo children are being surpressed emotionally with drugs; Ritalin/Concerta/Adderall/Stratera and Wellbutrin. We are an unexpected anomaly that needs to be controlled to conform. Personally, conformity I feel is the greatest oppressor to personal greatness. The government doesn't want people who think for themselves, they make many of our opinions for us we just don't realize it, hence many mainstream news medias. Without their spoonfeeding us our polotical and world news, we *gasp* might actually form our own views or seek news on our own. If we become independent, we will rise up against the obviously controlling system of establishment. At least I believe that is the governments worst fear. Let me ask you this question, how many of us would have agreed for America to go to Iraq, if we had to do our own independent research and find out why we "desperately needed to disarm" Saddam Hussein? Things that make you go hmmm....
Interesting thought. I kind of pictured the opposite affect where people's inability to concentrate on one thing at a time prevents them from paying attention to what's going on and thinking for themselves therefore causing them to blindly believe what the government tells them. In this case, drugs like Ritalin would have the opposite affect to what the gov't wants.

In either case, people don't think for themselves anyway. With the media bought and paid for, the gov't has the means to brainwash people already. People are too busy working, paying taxes, taking care of their brats, etc to even have time to look at things objectively. Look at the way the people swallowed up Osama's perfectly timed confession on the eve of the election. People swallowed that one without a second thought. Of course since the media doesn't present these things objectively, why would any of the sheeple think otherwise.

BTW, I can call them sheeple, I was one of them at one time.

02-08-2005, 04:02 PM
Interesting thought. I kind of pictured the opposite affect where people's inability to concentrate on one thing at a time prevents them from paying attention to what's going on and thinking for themselves therefore causing them to blindly believe what the government tells them. In this case, drugs like Ritalin would have the opposite affect to what the gov't wants.

In either case, people don't think for themselves anyway. With the media bought and paid for, the gov't has the means to brainwash people already. People are too busy working, paying taxes, taking care of their brats, etc to even have time to look at things objectively. Look at the way the people swallowed up Osama's perfectly timed confession on the eve of the election. People swallowed that one without a second thought. Of course since the media doesn't present these things objectively, why would any of the sheeple think otherwise.

BTW, I can call them sheeple, I was one of them at one time.

i was a sheeple too... i hope i'm still not a sheeple... :(

02-08-2005, 04:20 PM
i was a sheeple too... i hope i'm still not a sheeple... :(
We were all sheeple at one time. Most don't know. The stupid ones don't care.