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08-24-2005, 04:32 PM
Pentagon Orders 1,500 More Troops to Iraq


By JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press Writer
42 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has ordered 1,500 additional troops to Iraq to provide security in advance of two upcoming votes, the military announced Wednesday.

Two infantry battalions from the 82nd Airborne Division will deploy to Iraq before the scheduled Oct. 15 referendum on the proposed constitution, and remain through the December national elections, officials said.

They will join the 138,000 U.S. troops already there. The battalions are expected to remain in Iraq for 120 days.

The military anticipates an increase in violence in Iraq in advance of the elections, with insurgents opposed to the U.S.-backed government trying to disrupt the process.

The Pentagon has temporarily increased the size of the force in Iraq twice before political milestones — the June 2004 transfer of sovereignty and the January elections. Lt. Col. Barry Venable, a Pentagon spokesman, said those deployments helped limit the effectiveness of the insurgent campaign.

"This deployment is in support of continued progress," he said. "We are reinforcing success."

The troops are being sent at the request of Gen. George Casey, commander of the multinational forces in Iraq.

The Pentagon has already sent additional troops to Afghanistan to bolster security for September elections there.

The 82nd Airborne Division is based at Fort Bragg, N.C. It was not immediately clear when the troops would depart.

Another battalion from the 82nd Airborne is deploying to Iraq to assist with detention operations, the military recently announced.

08-24-2005, 04:42 PM
from agent orange to DU...


Air Force Capt.Turned Activist Says Pentagon's Actions Towards Depleted Uranium Use 'Beyond Treason'

Popular activist-broadcaster, Joyce Riley, hits government 'right between the eyes' with powerful new documentary exposing cover-up of depleted uranium illnesses, leaving Gulf War troops sick and dying.

"George H. Bush was my hero back then and I remember getting into my flight suit at Kelly Air Force Base, feeling extremely proud before being deployed into Gulf War I while Bush was on TV saying: 'This is the beginning of the New World Order.'

"Looking back, it was so ironic. I was so enamored with Bush when he actually sold destructive chemicals and weapons to Iraq in 1985 to 1989. Without me knowing, he was responsible for poisoning us over there while, at the same time, I was eating right out of his hand."


The White Rose: A Lesson in Dissent

Hans and Sophie Scholl were German teenagers in the 1930s. Like other young Germans, they enthusiastically joined the Hitler Youth. They believed that Adolf Hitler was leading Germany and the German people back to greatness.

Their parents were not so enthusiastic. Their father--Robert Scholl--told his children that Hitler and the Nazis were leading Germany down a road of destruction. Later--in 1942--he would serve time in a Nazi prison for telling his secretary: "The war! It is already lost. This Hitler is God's scourge on mankind, and if the war doesn't end soon the Russians will be sitting in Berlin."

Gradually, Hans and Sophie began realizing that their father was right. They concluded that, in the name of freedom and the greater good of the German nation, Hitler and the Nazis were enslaving and destroying the German people.

They also knew that open dissent was impossible in Nazi Germany, especially after the start of World War II. Most Germans took the traditional position-that once war breaks out, it is the duty of the citizen to support the troops by supporting the government.


08-24-2005, 08:36 PM
The "Green Zone" needs some extra protection.

08-25-2005, 06:56 AM
"My child went to Iraq and all I got was:" (multiple choice)

-This lousy t-shirt

-This lousy flag

-These lousy medical bills

-This poor fucked up kid with no face and sick from Depleted Uranium

In Bush We Trust

08-25-2005, 12:33 PM
"My child went to Iraq and all I got was:" (multiple choice)

-This lousy t-shirt

-This lousy flag

-These lousy medical bills

-This poor fucked up kid with no face and sick from Depleted Uranium

In Bush We Trust
i pick b, c, or d.... cause if they come back in a body bag they get a flag. alive but wounded they get medical bills.... and everyone's gonna come back with that depleted uranium....