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08-20-2005, 03:17 PM
CIA Report on 9/11 Is Complete
Inspector General's Findings Have Yet to Reach Congress


By Walter Pincus

The CIA inspector general's report on the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks has finally been completed -- nearly two years after its congressionally set deadline -- but has yet to be sent to Capitol Hill because CIA Director Porter J. Goss is still deciding how to respond to its findings, according to administration and congressional sources.

Inspector General John L. Helgerson's voluminous report, triggered in December 2002 by a recommendation of the House-Senate inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks, was completed in June and delivered last month to Goss for his review, according to a note sent by the CIA to members of Congress on July 22. It is expected to go to the House and Senate intelligence committees soon, according to one senior administration official.

Under the joint committee mandate, the CIA director is to report back to the House and Senate intelligence committees on the steps taken to assign responsibility for poor performance and to reward excellence.

One reason for the long delay in producing the report, according to present and former agency officials, has been the original requirement by the joint committee that Helgerson "determine whether and to what extent personnel at all levels should be held accountable for any omission, commission or failure to meet professional standards" in relation to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

When Goss received a draft of the report last October, he sent it back because performance failures were attributed to individuals without giving them the chance to respond to those findings or have the matter adjudicated by an accountability panel, according to an October letter sent by Goss to intelligence committee members. The communication was made available to The Washington Post.

Over the past months, individuals named in the report were given opportunities to respond to the sections that mention them, and a few were allowed to read the entire report, according to present and former intelligence officials.As a result, some changes have been made in the report, the officials said.

Goss, however, has yet to decide what if any steps he will take before he sends the report to the congressional intelligence committees, the officials said. The CIA director could create an internal panel to look at each case and submit recommendations to him. Such a group is typically made up of senior agency officials and chaired by the CIA's executive director, the third-ranking official in the agency.

Officials said Goss could establish additional procedures to deal with any systemic problems uncovered in the report. Or he could send the IG report to the Hill, noting the many changes that have already been made, and indicate that many of the senior officials at the time of the attacks have left the agency.

Some present and former agency officials have been upset that four years after the attacks, the CIA is still being criticized despite having been the loudest voice in government to warn Presidents Bill Clinton and Bush of the terrorist threat.

"What about Congress and the White House not paying attention, or even the Federal Aviation Administration?" one former agency official asked yesterday.

Inspector general reports for the Defense Department and the FBI had been delivered previously. The declassified version of the report of Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine noted a "significant failure" by the bureau, caused in large part by "widespread and longstanding deficiencies" in the way the agency handled terrorism and intelligence cases.

The FBI said that it agrees with many of Fine's conclusions and that it "has taken substantial steps to address the issues presented in the report."

08-20-2005, 03:41 PM
Didn't those individuals have a chance to speak during the 9/11 Commission? The current Executive Director at the CIA is A.B. Buzzy Krongard, who is SUSPECTED of Insider Trading having to do with 9/11.

08-21-2005, 03:20 AM
"Some present and former agency officials have been upset that four years after the attacks, the CIA is still being criticized despite having been the loudest voice in government to warn Presidents Bill Clinton and Bush of the terrorist threat."

The buck stops where?

Conflict of Interest?

Porter Goss Dossier:

A member of the Republican Party, Goss was elected to Congress in 1988. Gross has been chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence since 1996. In this position has called for making the law prohibiting the assassination of foreign leaders more flexible. After the 1998 terrorist bombings of the U.S. Embassies in East Africa, Goss declared that the CIA had become too "gun-shy."

Some observers have been highly critical of Goss' performance as chairman of what one has called the "oversight committee". Goss remained loyal to George Bush and during the Joseph Wilson-Valerie Plame scandal defended the White House official who publicly exposed the identity of an undercover agent. Goss did not seem concerned that the leak was an act of political retaliation against the agent's spouse.

In an interview with his local newspaper, The Herald-Tribune, Goss said the case was the result of "wild and unsubstantiated allegations, which are being obviously piled on by partisan politicians during an election year." There was no need to mount an investigation, he said, because there was no evidence of "willful disclosure". Goss was not asked how he was able to come to this conclusion without an investigation. To illustrate his partisan view of his office, he remarked: "Somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I'll have an investigation."

Goss has also used his position to attack statements made by John Kerry on national security. After one speech he announced that Kerry had "neglected the president's historic achievements" while at the same time embracing "the goals that the president has already laid to make the world a safer place."

Goss' loyalty was rewarded in August, 2004, when Bush announced that he was nominated to become the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

More (http://tinyurl.com/9ws7u)

Porter Johnston Goss (http://tinyurl.com/9z8qd) is a member of Book & Snake (http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/book%26snake/index.html) . A secret society started at Yale in 1860s.



03-16-2006, 10:11 PM
Where is this at?

03-17-2006, 01:28 AM
Shit...what's this Book & Snake about?

03-17-2006, 09:31 AM
No idea.