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View Full Version : Bush continues to attack dissenters

08-20-2005, 09:33 AM
When does trying to discover why your son died become anti-American? The administration is at it again, turning the tables on anyone who dares to question or oppose them.

First, a decorated war veteran is bashed as anti-American. Then, a dedicated CIA agent n she must be un-American n is outed because her husband told the truth about Iraq never having attempted to get the chemicals necessary for WMDs. Cindy Sheehan, whose son dedicated his life to a war, wanted to know what that war is about. So, she must have been a traitor.

I believe a true democracy should welcome ideas and questions and should be tolerant of all those who have differing opinions and beliefs.

A true democracy should answer questions put to it, so all citizens can know and understand what their leaders are doing.

That's what America should be about, what it was intended to be about. Not retaliating against anyone who dares question the administration's actions.
