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08-19-2005, 03:01 PM
Poll: Buyers' Remorse - 19 out 31 Red States Flip to Blue
Posted August 17th, 2005 at 12:21 pm by Jon Ponder
Overall, the survey shows the president?s approval at 41 percent. His approval in the individual states ranges from Idaho at 59 percent to a low of 29 percent in Rhode Island - not good news for Sen. Lincoln Chaffee (R-RI), who's up for re-election next year.

According to a state-by-state poll by SurveyUSA, nine months after the 2004 presidential elections, voters in 19 of the 31 Red states now disapprove of the job performance of George W. Bush - and opinion is evenly divide in two Red states, North Carolina and Louisiana.

It is little solace to Bush's Democratic rival John Kerry - or especially to the grieving families of the hundreds of U.S. service personnel and thousands of innocent Iraqis who have died - but if the election were held today, Bush would lose in a landslide.

Biggest surprises on the list of newly minted Blue states: Ohio, which gave Bush the presidency but where disapproval of Bush is now at 60 percent, and solid red South Carolina, where disapproval of the president is at 51 percent. Also of note is Florida, where the president's approval rate has slipped to 44 percent, with 53 percent disapproving.

State Approve Disapprove
Alaska 46% 49%
Arizona 45% 52%
Arkansas 40% 56%
Colorado 45% 53%
Florida 44% 53%
Georgia 47% 51%
Indiana 48% 49%
Iowa 42% 55%
Kansas 46% 50%
Kentucky 42% 53%
Louisiana* 48% 48%
Missouri 38% 58%
Nevada 40% 57%
New Mexico 41% 56%
North Carolina* 47% 47%
Ohio 37% 50%
South Carolina 45% 51%
South Dakota 45% 52%
Tennessee 43% 52%
Virginia 42% 52%
West Virginia 45% 51%
* Approval/Disapproval tied

Overall, the survey shows the president?s approval at 41 percent. His approval in the individual states ranges from Idaho at 59 percent (higher even than the 57 percent in Texas) to a low of 29 percent in Rhode Island - not good news for Sen. Lincoln Chaffee (R-RI), who?s up for re-election next year.
Bush is above 50% in 7 states
Bush is at 50% in 2 states
Bush is below 50% in 41 states

Over the last month, Bush's approval numbers have dropped five or more points in 10 states. The single largest drop was in Minnesota, where it fell 10 points. Bush also fell nine points in New Mexico.
Topic: In the News, Politics |
2 comments for Poll: Buyers' Remorse - 19 out 31 Red States Flip to Blue ยป

A little background history:

In 2000 Dubya steals the presidency through a fixed election in Florida aided by Kathleen Harris and some supreme court traitors. The main stream media doesn't report it, the Democrats give up fighting it and the public at large doesn't care.

In 2002 the republicans win a majority in the house, Paul Wellstone's plane blows up in mid air and is ruled an accident, and the President of a corporation that manufactures election machines steps down to run for office and is elected as a republican in a state that was staunchly democrat. Wide spread anamolies that go unreported, unfought and uninterested in by the public.

In 2004 Dubya steals the White House through election rigging all over and particularly obvious in Ohio. There he is assisted by Blackwell, Diebold, ES&S, and Rupert Murdoch. The main stream media doesn?t report it, the Dems don't fight it, and the public doesn?t care. Even when numerous scientific analyses written by Phd statisticians are published, showing that the election could not have been anything but a fraud. That?s scientific proof there boys and girls.

So now it?s 2005 and you think "opinion polls" are going to rattle these guys? You bent over and took it up the ass 3 times in a row and now their techniques of election stealing are firmly in place. Dubya and his cronies don't care what you flock of illiterate, celebrity obsessed sheep think about anything. They will steal the next election just like they did before and it will go unreported, uncontested and unnoticed.

If you don't like having your democracy stolen and replaced with dictators then you should've done something about it while it was happening.

The only thing that can save your country dear american friends, is to stop thinking that you are destined to rule the world, and arrest and punish the real criminals who are responsible for 9/11. Go and see what happened to "wtc building 7" and in about 2 hours you will know who did it.

Comment by don garb - August 17, 2005 @ 2:49 pm

Thank you don garb. Those states didn't "flip blue". They ALREADY WERE BLUE. Wake up America.

Comment by organik - August 18, 2005 @ 7:09 am


08-19-2005, 04:06 PM
Bush would still win, cause the fix was in and would be again.

08-19-2005, 04:11 PM
It would be quite humorous if everyone voted third party and then woke up the next day wondering why R/D won again, "who did you vote for?" as everyone looked at each other with eyes wide open realizing that the Iron American Media Curtain is not a theory.

oops, too late.